シラバス Syllabus

授業名 Seminar I(秋)
Course Title Seminar I (Fall)
担当教員 Instructor Name 辻 正雄(Masao Tsuji)
コード Couse Code TAP241_G24T
授業形態 Class Type 演習 Practicum
授業形式 Class Format On Campus
単位 Credits 2
言語 Language JP
科目区分 Course Category 演習科目400系 / Case Writing & Seminar
学位 Degree MSc in Tax & Accountancy
開講情報 Terms / Location 2024 GSM Tokyo Fall

授業の概要 Course Overview

Misson Statementとの関係性 / Connection to our Mission Statement

Accounting is the act of recording, processing, and communicating the economic activities of economic entities. Accounting as an academic discipline aims to improve the usefulness of these rules by constructing rules that serve as norms for such activities and demonstrating how they are practiced.
 An organization in which an economic entity continuously operates for profit is generally called a corporation, and the accounting in such an organization is called corporate accounting. If an economic entity is not a for-profit organization, it is called a non-profit corporation, and the accounting there is distinguished as non-profit accounting.
This seminar explores corporate accounting for general business enterprises. Accounting as practiced in companies can be divided into financial accounting (externally reported accounting) and management accounting (internally reported accounting), depending on the purpose of its use. Financial accounting covers the area of creating and providing useful information for decision-making by corporate stakeholders, while managerial accounting covers the area of providing and facilitating the use of useful information for decision-making and performance management purposes by corporate insiders, i.e., managers and administrators. In other words, accounting can be likened to a common language used in the world of business activities.
Accounting can serve these purposes because it is structured to be practiced according to state-approved rules, and those involved in accounting are held to compliance with those rules. Accounting exists to serve a variety of stakeholders with different interests, and no two organizations' circumstances are the same. Therefore, rather than expecting precedent to be useful as it is, a pioneering spirit, so to speak, is required to correctly understand the situation at the time and creatively apply it. This is in keeping with the mission of the NUCB Business School, which is to nurture leaders with a sense of ethics.
Accounting can serve these purposes because it is structured to be practiced according to state-approved rules, and those involved in accounting are held to compliance with those rules. Accounting exists to serve a variety of stakeholders with different interests, and no two organizations' circumstances are the same. Therefore, rather than expecting precedent to be useful as it is, a pioneering spirit, so to speak, is required to correctly understand the situation at the time and creatively apply it. This is in keeping with the mission of the NUCB Business School, which is to nurture leaders with a sense of ethics.

授業の目的(意義) / Importance of this course

The purpose of this seminar is to develop the ability to pass the Certified Public Tax Accountant exam in the two accounting courses for working adults who wish to become Certified Public Tax Accountants. Students should have already mastered the elementary level of accounting or have reached an equivalent level through the preparation of the course material before taking the course, but if there are differences in the academic level of accounting, instruction will be provided according to each student's level.
While most of the work of tax accountants would fall into the area of financial accounting, since they also have consulting work, they would like to study the area of management accounting as well.
By practicing active learning through the case method promoted by the NUCB Business School in seminars, the objective is to reach a level where students can apply the results of their learning to real-life situations.

到達目標 / Achievement Goal

1. 企業価値向上について
2. 株主価値とステイクホルダー価値の関係性について
3. 統合報告書と価値創造報告書について
4. 企業の経済的価値評価のフレームワーク
5. 自己資本利益率(ROE)と投下資本利益率(ROIC)について
6. 資本コストについて
7. 類似企業比較倍率(マルチプル)法
8. DCF法について
9. APV法について
10. エコノミック・プロフィット法について
11. 継続価値の算定
12. 非財務情報の意義について

In the fall semester of Seminar I, students will understand how information is provided for decision-making and performance management by executives and managers seeking to increase corporate value and explore the dynamic interaction between the providers of information and the actions of executives and managers. Specific topics will include the following, and students will be equipped with the ability to understand and discuss these topics.
1. Corporate value enhancement
2. The relationship between shareholder value and stakeholder value
3. Integrated reports and value creation reports
4. The framework for evaluating the economic value of a company
5. Return on Equity (ROE) and Return on Invested Capital (ROIC)
6. Cost of Capital
7. Multiple methods
8. DCF Method
9. APV Method
10. Economic Profit Method
11. Terminal Value
12. Significance of Non-Financial Information

本授業の該当ラーニングゴール Learning Goals


LG1 Critical Thinking
LG2 Diversity Awareness
LG3 Ethical Decision Making
LG4 Effective Communication
LG8 Tax Accounting Consulting Skills (MSc)

受講後得られる具体的スキルや知識 Learning Outcomes

1. 企業価値向上について
2. 株主価値とステイクホルダー価値の関係性について
3. 統合報告書と価値創造報告書について
4. 企業の経済的価値評価のフレームワーク
5. 自己資本利益率(ROE)と投下資本利益率(ROIC)について
6. 資本コストについて
7. 類似企業比較倍率(マルチプル)法
8. DCF法について
9. APV法について
10. エコノミック・プロフィット法について
11. 継続価値の算定
12. 非財務情報の意義について

1. corporate value enhancement
2. the relationship between shareholder value and stakeholder value
3. integrated reports and value creation reports
4. The framework for evaluating the economic value of a company
5. return on equity (ROE) and return on invested capital (ROIC)
6. Cost of Capital
7. Comparable company multiple method
8. DCF Method
9. About the APV Method
10. About the Economic Profit Method
Calculation of Going Concern Value
12. Significance of Non-Financial Information

The skills and thinking skills to be acquired are the ability to understand and discuss the following topics:
1. Corporate value enhancement
2. The relationship between shareholder value and stakeholder value
3. Integrated reports and Value creation reports
4. The framework for evaluating the economic value of a company
5. Return on Equity (ROE) and Return on Invested Capital (ROIC)
6. Cost of Capital
7. Multiple methods
8. DCF Method
9. APV Method
10. Economic Profit Method
11. Terminal Value
12. Significance of Non-Financial Information

SDGsとの関連性 Relevance to Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 4 質の高い教育をみんなに(Quality Education)

教育手法 Teaching Method

教育手法 Teaching Method % of Course Time
インプット型 Traditional 30 %
参加者中心型 Participant-Centered Learning ケースメソッド Case Method 70 %
フィールドメソッド Field Method 0 %
合計 Total 100 %

事前学修と事後学修の内容、レポート、課題に対するフィードバック方法 Pre- and Post-Course Learning, Report, Feedback methods


授業スケジュール Course Schedule


1. 企業価値向上について
2. 株主価値とステイクホルダー価値の関係性について



3. 統合報告書と価値創造報告書について
4. 企業の経済的価値評価のフレームワーク



5. 自己資本利益率(ROE)と投下資本利益率(ROIC)について
6. 資本コストについて



7. 類似企業比較倍率(マルチプル)法
8. DCF法について



9. APV法について
10. エコノミック・プロフィット法について



11. 継続価値の算定
12. 非財務情報の意義について



成績評価方法 Evaluation Criteria

講師用内規準拠 Method of Assessment Weights
コールドコール Cold Call 0 %
授業内での挙手発言 Class Contribution 50 %
クラス貢献度合計 Class Contribution Total 50 %
予習レポート Preparation Report 40 %
小テスト Quizzes / Tests 0 %
シミュレーション成績 Simulation 0 %
ケース試験 Case Exam 0 %
最終レポート Final Report 10 %
期末試験 Final Exam 0 %
参加者による相互評価 Peer Assessment 0 %
合計 Total 100 %

評価の留意事項 Notes on Evaluation Criteria


使用ケース一覧 List of Cases


教科書 Textbook

  • 配布資料

参考文献・資料 Additional Readings and Resource


授業調査に対するコメント Comment on Course Evaluation


担当教員のプロフィール About the Instructor 

辻 正雄
学会活動として、日本管理会計学会副会長(2005年~2007年)、同会長(2008年~2011年)、日本会計研究学会評議員(2009年~2015年)、日本管理会計学会常務理事(2011年~2016年)顧問(2017年~)、NTT経理・財務研究会座長(2010年~2019年)、日本内部監査研究所専務理事(2021年~)Asian-Pacific Management Accounting Association Senor Director(2015年~2017年), President-elect(2018年~), President(2019年)。
著書には、『経営者による報告利益管理』(編著、国元書房、2016年)『会計基準と経営者行動』(単著、中央経済社、2015年)、『報告利益の管理と株式市場の反応』(編著、早稲田大学産業経営研究所、2012年)、『MBAアカウンティング ケーススタディ 戦略管理会計』(編著、中央経済社、2010年)、『会計ビッグバンの意義と評価』(編著、早稲田大学経営研究所、2006年)、『管理会計の基礎』(共著、税務経理協会、1999年)、『意思決定の財務情報分析』(共著、国元書房、1985年)など。

Masao Tsuji, Ph. D.

Associate Dean and Professor of Graduate School of NUCB (2016~)
Undergraduate and Graduate School of Business and Commerce; Master’s Degree and Ph. D.
Graduate School of Management of University of California, Los Angeles; C. Phil.
Lecturer, Undergraduate School of Business and Commerce,
Associate Professor, Undergraduate School of Business and Commerce,
Professor, Undergraduate and Graduate Schools of Business and Commerce,
Dean of Undergraduate School of Business and Commerce,
Professor Emeritus, Waseda University (2016~)

Academic Associations:
Vise-President of Japanese Association of Management Accounting (2005~2007)
President of Japanese Association of Management Accounting (2008~2011)
Advisor of Japanese Association of Management Accounting (2012~)
Board member of Trustee, Japan Association of Accounting (2009~2015)
Senor Director, Asian-Pacific Management Accounting Association (2015~2017) President-elect, Asian-Pacific Management Accounting Association(2018~)
A committee member of the certified public accountant second-stage examination (1999~2002).
A committee member of the certified public accountant third-stage examination (2005~2006).
A committee member of Japan Small and Medium Enterprise Management Consultant Examination (2002~2004).
A committee chairman of Japan Small and Medium Enterprise Management Consultant Examination (2004~2008).

Earnings Management by Management (in Japanese), Kunimoto Publishing Co., Tokyo Japan, 2016.
Accounting Standards and Managerial Behavior (in Japanese), Chuokeizaisya Publishing Co., Tokyo Japan, 2015.
Earnings Management and its Effects on Capital Market (in Japanese), Research Institute of Industrial Administration, Waseda University, 2012.
MBA Accounting Case Study: Strategic Management Accounting (in Japanese), Chuokeizaisya Publishing Co., Tokyo Japan, 2010.
Significance and Evaluation of Accounting Big-Ban (in Japanese), Research Institute of Industrial Administration, Waseda University, 2006.
Foundations of Management Accounting (in Japanese), ZeimukeiriKyokai Publishing Co., Tokyo Japan, 1999.
Financial Information Analyses for Decision Making (in Japanese), Kunimoto Publishing Co., Tokyo Japan, 1985.

Refereed Articles

  • (2021) Empirical Analyses on Earnings Adjustments by Adopting the Consolidated Tax System. The Journal of Management Accounting, Japan 29(1): ISSN 0918-7863
  • (2021) Empirical Analyses of the Effects of Possession of Financial Assets on Profitability. The Japan Industrial Management & Accounting, Japan 80(4): ISSN 0287-4288
  • (2017) Progress towards Fruitful Extension and Intension in Management Accounting. The Journal of Management Accounting, Japan 25(2): 0918-7863
  • (2015) Accounting Policies by Corporate Management and Performances: The Application of the Accounting Standards for Impairment of Fixed Assets. The Bulletin of the Graduate School of Commerce (80): 0287-0614
