シラバス Syllabus

授業名 Enterprise Risk Management
Course Title Enterprise Risk Management
担当教員 Instructor Name 刈屋 武昭(Takeaki Kariya)
コード Couse Code TAP204_G20T
授業形態 Class Type 講義 Regular course
授業形式 Class Format
単位 Credits 2
言語 Language JP
科目区分 Course Category
学位 Degree MSc in Tax & Accountancy
開講情報 Terms / Location 2020 GSM Tokyo Fall

授業の概要 Course Overview

Misson Statementとの関係性 / Connection to our Mission Statement

授業の目的(意義) / Importance of this course

 企業は絶えず新しく出現してくる多様な不確実性(チャンスとリスク)の中で活動する。その不確実性は、競争、技術革新、市場変化、規制変化、需要の変化、税制変化、国内・国際政治変化、気候変動など外部変化・進化のみならず、企業内部の派閥対立、文化・倫理の退廃、ガバナンスの崩壊、内部の意思疎通の崩壊など、きわめて多岐にわたる。企業はこれらに対応して、リスクを抑制しながらチャンスを活かして価値を作らなくてはならない。このコースでは、そのような有効な経営法として、エンタープライズ・リスクマネジメント(以下ERM,全社的リスクマネジメント)の考え方・実践法と事例について学習する。これは、チャンスとリスクの視点からみた価値創造の企業経営法そのものの思考法でもある。ここでいう価値とは、企業の付加価値で、従業員の所得+粗利益(税、経営者報酬、株主配当、利益準備金)+減価償却 をいう。株価に関係した企業の市場価値(時価総額)ではない。
 次に有効な価値創造経営法として、COSOの提案したERMの枠組み(04) とその事例を資料に基づいて学習する。そこでは、有効なERM経営プロセスに必要な内部統制プロセスについても議論する。
 最後に、ウォルマートのERM について学習する。ここでは配布資料のケースに基づく。そこでは、彼らのリスク識別プロセスの仕方や、リスク共有の仕方、そしてそれを監視する仕組みが記述される。一方、ウォルマートの経営は、少なくともこの当時では、株主資本主義の立場に立つ経営をしており、従業員の給料問題などの訴訟問題が数多く発生した。その経営についてのリスクについては、ケース「2003年のウォルマート・ストアーズ(要約版)」(9‐714‐J03)に記述されている。
 Each firm makes activities for value in constantly emerging new various uncertainties (chances and risks). The uncertainties, as external environment, include changes or evolutions about conditions of competition, technological innovation, market, regulation, demand, tax rate, domestic and/or international politics, climate, etc. and as internal environment, those of inside conflicts between different units, obsolescence of culture and ethics, defects in governance structure and inside communications, etc.
 Making response to these, each firm is required to make values via chances by controlling or managing risks, which is nothing but a value-creating management thought in view of risk and chance. In this course, as such an effective management method, we learn about thought, practical method and examples of firms using Enterprise Risk Management (ERM). Here the value is defined to be the value-added consisting of employees’ income + gross profit + depreciation, not the market value of firm depending on stock price.
 This ERM area in management has been built up via practices through the 90’s in the US as risk approach to management, though in 1992 the management group COSO proposed internal control scheme for managing risk. What has made the ERM far more important in the US was the Corporate Reform Act (SOX Act)of 2002 (Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act),which the misconducts of the top management people in Enron (and in World Com) brought out, where CEOs and CFOs in the listed companies are made to be directly and socially responsible for carrying out effective management. The SOX Act itself is nothing but the risk management for sustaining the US capitalism effectively, made by the Government.
 In this course, we first study on the case “Fall of Enron”, where risk associated with top management and corporate management, market volatility risk, risk associated with market value (mark-to-market) accounting rule are considered. The famous auditing and consulting firm was required to get dissolved with the Fall of Enron. Their responsibilities in the SOX Law are discussed. Class participants are asked to consider about the responsibility of Japanese top management in advance, who have accumulated the scandals and misconducts.
 Secondly, based on the class materials, the framework of the effective value-creating ERM that the COSO in 2004 proposed will be studied with the associated internal control process, where the framework was recently modified. The modification points are described in the class material.
 Thirdly, the example of the ERM of Panasonic Co is considered. Using the case “The reform of Matsushita Electric Industrial, Co (simply Panasonic below)”, we will study about how the CEO Nakamura overcame the emerging crisis risk of Panasonic in the late 90s, whose process can be regarded as shifting their traditional management to the ERM, and also we will learn about the structure Panasonic’s ERM being consistent with the corporate culture the Founder created, where the class material is used.
 Fourthly the case “Musashi Yakuhin (drug store)”is discussed with the class material made in the METI project of making textbook for human resource management of risk management. This case treats the problem of finding a risk response to the risk of the sinking mood or atmosphere of the organization after it was listed in the Tokyo Stock Market. In the first part, we will learn the process in which the option of making own brand medicine was selected after a long discussion to invigorate the firm. Then in the second part, some technical skills are learnt for making a final investment decision.
 On the fourth day, using the case of Shiseido, we consider about how crisis risks should be managed in view of ERM management. As is well known, crisis risks include those of such natural disasters and destructions as big earthquakes and typhoons, such disruptions as terrorism, explosion of atomic plants and war and such crisis as epidemic or pandemic diseases including corona virus case, whose occurrence probabilities are small, but whose effects and influences on corporation activities can be devastating. The crisis management treats the risks differently along with the risk types but is of a common concept with respect to what should be protected. In the case of enterprise, it is the power of value creation together with life of employees and their families at least. We look into some examples.
 Finally the ERM of Walmart Co is treated. Using the class material, the ERM process (risk identification and analysis, risk information sharing, risk response, risk monitoring) will be studied. The management sticks to the shareholders’ capitalism. consequently some important risk are pointed out in the case (9‐714‐J03, which is supplementary to the class material.

到達目標 / Achievement Goal

本授業の該当ラーニングゴール Learning Goals


LG1 Critical Thinking
LG2 Diversity Awareness
LG3 Ethical Decision Making
LG4 Effective Communication
LG5 Executive Leadership (EMBA)
LG7 Global Perspective (GLP)

受講後得られる具体的スキルや知識 Learning Outcomes

1) ERMは、COSOの定義にあるように、「事業体の取締役会、経営者及び従業員が実行し、全事業を対象とした戦略の設定に適用し、事業体に影響する潜在

 The COSO defines ERM as “Enterprise risk management is a process, effected by an entity’s board of directors, management and other personnel, applied in strategy setting and across the enterprise, designed to identify potential events that may affect the entity, and manage risks to be within its risk appetite, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of entity objectives”, Students will acquire the whole knowledge of what the ERM process really means and how the process should be constructed and managed.
 In particular, it is learnt that the adoption of an effective ERM management will develop various abilities in the enterprise such as balancing risk appetite with strategy, integrating growth with risk-return relation, selecting an optimal risk response option, minimizing the losses incurred by surprise, seizing opportunities, and using capital rationally.
 Some methods and skills are acquired, by which risk and chance discovery, risk and chance identification, risk evaluation, risk information sharing and risk communication are made. Also methods of finding risk responses ( risk deletion, risk reduction, risk retention, and risk transfer) are acquired. In addition, through the case of Musashi Drug Store, an analytical process of investment decision-making will be learnt.

SDGsとの関連性 Relevance to Sustainable Development Goals

教育手法 Teaching Method

教育手法 Teaching Method % of Course Time
インプット型 Traditional 30 %
参加者中心型 Participant-Centered Learning ケースメソッド Case Method 70 %
フィールドメソッド Field Method 0 %
合計 Total 100 %

事前学修と事後学修の内容、レポート、課題に対するフィードバック方法 Pre- and Post-Course Learning, Report, Feedback methods


授業スケジュール Course Schedule


午前 エンロンがガス会社から、ガス・電力取引会社、金融会社に急速に発展・崩壊していく過程を記述するケース「エンロン崩壊」で、その崩壊(2001)の

午後 このSOX法に対応すべく、経営者団体COSOが、ERM経営枠組み(04)を作った(最近改訂)。日本では、金融庁のもとに上場企業に対して不祥事対

1. エンロンの崩壊(IMD‐1‐0195‐JP)
2. COSOのERMフレームワーク、SOX法と日本の金融商品取引法(授業資料1)


午前 内部統制の事例に基づいて、ERMの基本である、内部情報、特に現場情報をどのように収集し、それをどのように共有するか、そして具体的なリスク

午後 パナソニックのERMについて、ケースと資料に基づいて、ケースメソッド的な議論を展開する。パナソニックのケースでは、中村邦夫が社長になる前

3. 松下電器産業の変革(要約版)(9‐117‐J02)、+パナソニックのERM(授業資料2)
4. 内部統制の事例(授業資料1)


午前 ムサシ薬品(マツモトキヨシがモデルであるという)の事例(パート1)を用いて、企業の空気の沈滞リスクに対して、全社的なリスク対応として、いく

午後 そのパート2を利用して、具体的な意思決定法の考え方について議論する。そこでは、まず選択肢を明確にし、需要動向をコンサルタントを入れて議論

5. ムサシ薬品(1)(授業資料3)
6. ムサシ薬品(2)(授業資料3)


午前 旭硝子ではグローバル経営の統合の在り方に悩んでいた。2000年当時の石津社長は、EVAにより、「合理的な」経営統合を狙う。ケースメソッドによ

午後 ウォルマートのERMの資料を使い、ケースメソッド的に議論する。ウォルマートは株主資本主義の視点から、株主価値を最大化する考え方を持ってい

7. たゆまざる旭硝子の改革:EVAの導入(9-207-J01)+授業資料4
8. ウォルマートERM(授業資料5)+ ケース「2003年のウォルマート・ストアーズ(要約版)」(9‐714‐J03)




成績評価方法 Evaluation Criteria

講師用内規準拠 Method of Assessment Weights
コールドコール Cold Call 0 %
授業内での挙手発言 Class Contribution 70 %
クラス貢献度合計 Class Contribution Total 70 %
予習レポート Preparation Report 30 %
小テスト Quizzes / Tests 0 %
シミュレーション成績 Simulation 0 %
ケース試験 Case Exam 0 %
最終レポート Final Report 0 %
期末試験 Final Exam 0 %
参加者による相互評価 Peer Assessment 0 %
合計 Total 100 %

評価の留意事項 Notes on Evaluation Criteria


使用ケース一覧 List of Cases


教科書 Textbook

  • ー「使用なし」ー(ー)

参考文献・資料 Additional Readings and Resource

 1. 日本内部監査協会監訳(2018)『COSO 全社的リスクマネジメント』同文館
 2. 八田・橋本・堺訳(2018)『COSO全社的リスクマネジメント‐事例の解説編』日本内部監査協会
 3. バートン・シェンカー・ウォーカー著(刈屋・佐藤・藤田訳)(2003)『収益を作る戦略的リスクマネジメント―米国優良企業の成功事例』東洋経済新報
 4. ウォーカー・シェンカー・バートン著(刈屋監訳)(2003)『戦略的事業リスク経営‐ノーリスク・ノーマネジメント』東洋経済新報社
 5. ケース「2003年のウォルマート・ストアーズ(要約版)」(9‐714‐J03)
 6. 経産省産業資金課編(2005)『先進企業から学ぶ事業リスクマネジメント』経済産業調査会(無料ダウンロード可能) 
   https://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/1009673 これは事務的なハウツーの側面が強く、その意味で実際的。
 7. そーベル, P.(2018)『不確実な時代のリスクマネジメント』日本内部監査協会
 8. 「リスク評価手法の内部監査での25の活用事例」日本内部監査協会2016 (無料ダウンロード可能) file:///F:/RM2020/内部監査協会
 9. 座談会「日本でも進むERM経営とトップランナー企業」『証券アナリスト・ジャーナル』2008年4月号


授業調査に対するコメント Comment on Course Evaluation


担当教員のプロフィール About the Instructor 

一橋大学経済学修士。ミネソタ大学統計学部Ph.D. 九州大学理学博士。一橋大学名誉教授。米国数理統計学会フェロー。日本統計学会賞、日本金融・証券計量・工学学会賞、日本不動産金融工学学会賞、受賞。
職歴:一橋大学経済研究所教授、みずほ第一フィナンシャルテクノロジー理事、京都大学経済研究所・金融工学研究センター長、明治大学専門職大学院ビジネススクール・研究科長、城西国際大学特任教授を経て現在。客員ポストとして、 ロンドンスクール・オブ・エコノミックス、ピッツバーグ大学、ラトガース大学、シカゴ大学・ビジネススクール、等客員教授。経済企画庁経済研究所客員主任研究官、日本銀行金融研究所客員研究官、経済産業研究所ファキュリティフェロー、内閣府景気動向指数研究会委員、財務省財務総合政策研究所40年国債発行研究会委員長等。
日本金融・証券計量・工学学会(ジャフィー)、日本不動産金融工学学会(ジャレフ)、日本保険・年金リスク学会(ジャリップ)、日本価値創造エンタープライズ・リスクマネジメント(ERM)学会、の4学会設立会長。 日本経済学会誌、日本統計学会誌、Mathematical Financeの編集長、副編集長経験

Takeaki KARIYA is a professor of finance, risk management and ERM at NUCB Business School.
No doubt, our era is in the process of great evolution. While the evolution will make our society better off, it will also expand uncertainties (risk & chance) therein. One of the factors that promote the evolution is our sincere wish for happiness and peace, and the power that makes it realized will be our knowledge in a broad sense and capital. No enterprise or even country that cannot create new knowledge will obtain its sustainability and competitive power.
I take the subjects in charge; enterprise risk management, business risk management and finance. A common theme in these subjects is a thought of creating value out of evolution, risk and chance or equivalently uncertainty. By taking my courses, I hope you will acquire this thought for making your carrier in future. It is the thought on “why and how you need to change yourself and you naturally get changed”. In the activities seeking value creation, only the companies that constantly manage the confronting important uncertainties and reform themselves will be entitled to pursue their sustainability and growth. The uncertainties are of such varieties as the external ones of technology, market, competition, demand, economic environment, regulation, etc. and the internal ones of corporate culture and ethics, internal conflicts, corporate governance, etc. Managing those risks and chances and transforming them into a value is nothing but concrete and specific ideas, schemes, plans, and sometimes innovative thoughts. When successful, it will be knowledge for the organization. Let us enlighten each other and create our knowledge in class.

In the past, Takeaki KARIYA served as professors at Institute of Economic Research of Hitotsubashi University, Institute of Economic Research and Financial Engineering Center of Kyoto University, Business School (Dean) of Meiji University and Josai International University. In addition, he worked as a research director for Mizuho Dai-ichi Financial Technology, a subsidiary of Mizuho Bank. He was also a visiting professor of London School of Economics, Business School of University of Chicago and Rutgers University among others.
He was the founding president of the four academic institutions; Japanese Association of Financial Econometrics & Engineering, Japanese Association of Risk, Insurance and Pension, Japanese Association of Real Estate Financial Engineering, and Japanese Association of Value-Creating Enterprise Risk Management (ERM).  
In research, he was individually ranked the 24th in Annals of Statistics and the 45th in the total of 9 academic journals, which appeared as an article; P.C.B. Phillips, et al (1988) "Worldwide Institutional and Individual Rankings in Statistical Theory by Journal Publications over the Period 1980-1986" Econometric Theory, 4,1-34.
He was elected as a fellow of Institute of Mathematical Statistics (US) and received the Awards of Japan Statistics Society, Japanese Association of Financial Econometrics and Engineering, and Japanese Association of Real Estate Financial Engineering.

Specialized Field
Statistics, Econometrics, Economics, Finance, Financial Engineering, Risk Management, Enterprise Risk Management, Real Estate Analysis
Academic Background
Ph.D. Statistics (University of Minnesota), Dr. Mathematics (Kyushu University)
Kariya, T. and Liu, R. (2003) Asset Pricing, Springer, Boston
Kariya, T. and Kurata, H. (2005) Generalized Least Squares, John Wiley, London
Kariya, T. (1993) Quantitative Methods for Portfolio Analysis, Kluwer Academic Publishers (Now Springer), Boston.
Kariya, T. and Sinha, B. K. (1988). The Robustness of Statistical Tests. Academic Press, New York.

Research Papers
[1] Kariya, T., Y. Yamamura, K. Inui (2019). Empirical Credit Risk Ratings of Individual Corporate Bonds and Derivation of Term Structures of Default Probabilities Journal of Risk and Financial Management 2019, 12, 124(1-29)
[2] Kariya, T. and Kobayashi, Y. (2019). An overview over hedonic price analyses on rental condominiums and for-sale condominiums. Journal of Japanese Association of Real Estate Financial Engineering 11,1,1-8.
[3] Kariya, T. and Kobayashi, Y. (2018). Variable selection and multi- collinearity problems in hedonic price regression analysis for rental and for-sale houses. Journal of Japanese Association of Real Estate Financial Engineering 10,1,10-18
[4] Kariya, T. (2017). Effectiveness of corporate culture and legislation of management responsibility associated with case of Kobe Steel, Ltd. JARIP Journal.
[5] Kariya, T. (2017). Management and value-creating ERM—Case of shopping center. Proceedings of 10-year Commemorative Symposium JAVCERM.
[6] Kariya, T., Y. Tanokura, H. Takada, and Y. Yamamura (2016). Measuring Credit Risk of Individual Corporate Bonds in US Energy Sector. Asia-Pacific Financial Markets 23: 229–62.

Refereed Articles

  • (2019) Empirical Credit Risk Ratings of Individual Corporate Bonds and Derivation of Term Structures of Default Probabilities. Journal of Risk and Financial Management 2019, 12, 124(1-29) 12(3):
  • (2019) An overview on Empirical Hedonic Analyses for Pricing Rental Condo Units or Houses for sale.. Journal of Japanese Association of Real Estate Financial Engineering 11
  • (2018) Variable Selection and Multicollinearity Problems In Hedonic Regression Analyses for Pricing Rental Condo Units or for-sale Houses.. Journal of Japanese Association of Real Estate Financial Engineering 10
  • (2017) Effectiveness of corporate culture and management responsibility--Focusing on the case of KOVELCO Scandal. Jouranal of the Japanese Association of Risk, Insurance and Pensions 9
  • (2016) A Dynamic Bond Pricing Model with Application to the Japanese Government Bonds. Annual review of economics 32 09108602

Refereed Proceedings

  • (2021). Why ERM is not adopted in Japanese management under company system--- Example of Panasonic case. The Japanese Association of Value Creating Enterprise Risk Management .The 15th Annual JAVCERM Meetingl. 3. 1. Tokyo
