シラバス Syllabus

授業名 International Relations
Course Title International Relations
担当教員 Instructor Name Michelle Westholm
コード Couse Code NUC436_N20B
授業形態 Class Type 講義 Regular course
授業形式 Class Format
単位 Credits 2
言語 Language EN
科目区分 Course Category
学位 Degree BBA
開講情報 Terms / Location 2020 UG Nisshin Term4

授業の概要 Course Overview

Misson Statementとの関係性 / Connection to our Mission Statement

授業の目的(意義) / Importance of this course

International Relations (IR) takes as its focus the complex relationships among sovereign states. As future leaders in international business, students should understand key concepts in IR to help them navigate issues of power, interdependence and human rights that arise in multi-national business. The course aims to support the school’s mission of creating ‘innovative and ethical leaders” by introducing students to diverse perspectives on these concepts and asking them to evaluate them in support of their own positions.

(this syllabus may be updated before the start of Term 4)

到達目標 / Achievement Goal

本授業の該当ラーニングゴール Learning Goals


LG1 Critical Thinking
LG2 Diversity Awareness
LG3 Ethical Decision Making
LG4 Effective Communication

受講後得られる具体的スキルや知識 Learning Outcomes

Students will understand how international conflicts can impact trends and practices in international business. Learners will develop their ability to synthesize ideas from theoretical readings, case studies, class discussions and their own experiences into effective oral and written arguments.

SDGsとの関連性 Relevance to Sustainable Development Goals

教育手法 Teaching Method

教育手法 Teaching Method % of Course Time
インプット型 Traditional 20 %
参加者中心型 Participant-Centered Learning ケースメソッド Case Method 80 %
フィールドメソッド Field Method 0 %
合計 Total 100 %

事前学修と事後学修の内容、レポート、課題に対するフィードバック方法 Pre- and Post-Course Learning, Report, Feedback methods

Each week students will prepare for class by reading a case study, a well-known theoretical perspective, and writing a short report. Students should expect to spend 3 hours preparing for each class. Required assessments include weekly preparation reports, class participation, a midterm report, and a final paper.
TBA: assignment questions for the casebook.
Students will receive written feedback on reports and oral feedback on in-class participation.

授業スケジュール Course Schedule


Concept: Hard power
Theoretical reading: Hans Morgentheau, “Six Principles of Political Realism” (1978)

Case study: “Vodaphone Egypt and the Arab Spring: When Government and Business Collide" (2015)


Concept: Soft power, smart power
Theoretical reading: Joseph Nye, “Get Smart: Combining Hard and Soft Power” (2009)

Case study: “Wanda: Flexing China’s Soft Muscle" (2017)


Concept: Interdependence
Theoretical reading: Immanuel Wallerstein “World Systems Theory” (1974)

Case study: “GlaxoSmithKline and Developing Country Access to Essential Medicines” A (2005)


Concept: Interdependence
Theoretical reading: Raul Prebisch “Dependency Theory” (1949)

Case study: “The Ready-Made Garment Industry: A Bangladeshi Perspective” A (2017)


Concept: Civil-political human rights
Theoretical reading: UN, “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” (1948)

Case study: “Fallen Idol? Aung San Suu Kyi & the Rohingya Humanitarian Crisis” (2018)


Concept: Socio-economic human rights
Theoretical reading: Karl Vasek, “Human Rights” (1977)

Case study: “The Beautiful Game - The Qatar World Cup 2022” (2015)


Concept: 3-dimensional power
Theoretical reading: Steven Lukes, “Power: A Radical View” (1974)

Case study: “A Popular HR Chief Burned to Death: People Management Dynamics at the Indian Subsidiary of Suzuki Ltd” (2017)

成績評価方法 Evaluation Criteria

講師用内規準拠 Method of Assessment Weights
コールドコール Cold Call 0 %
授業内での挙手発言 Class Contribution 50 %
クラス貢献度合計 Class Contribution Total 50 %
予習レポート Preparation Report 25 %
小テスト Quizzes / Tests 5 %
シミュレーション成績 Simulation 0 %
ケース試験 Case Exam 0 %
最終レポート Final Report 20 %
期末試験 Final Exam 0 %
参加者による相互評価 Peer Assessment 0 %
合計 Total 100 %

評価の留意事項 Notes on Evaluation Criteria


使用ケース一覧 List of Cases


教科書 Textbook

  • N/A「None」N/A(N/A)

参考文献・資料 Additional Readings and Resource

On-line readings posted via Google Classroom

授業調査に対するコメント Comment on Course Evaluation


担当教員のプロフィール About the Instructor 
