授業名 | Introductory Japanese 4 |
Course Title | Introductory Japanese 4 |
担当教員 Instructor Name | 磯野 英治(Hideharu Isono) |
コード Couse Code | NUC414_N20A |
授業形態 Class Type | 講義 Regular course |
単位 Credits | 2 |
言語 Language | EN |
学位 Degree | BBA |
開講情報 Terms / Location | 2020 UG Nisshin Term2 |
授業の概要 Course Overview
Misson Statementとの関係性 / Connection to our Mission Statement
授業の目的(意義) / Importance of this course
Students should have completed Japanese INTRODUCTORY JAPANESE 0/1 or an elementary Japanese course at other institution.
The objectives of INTRODUCTORY JAPANESE 4 are:
(1) to expand ability for daily communication in both spoken and written Japanese.
(2) to become familiar with language structures both of spoken and written Japanese.
(3) to be able to orally deliver factual information/knowledge and express simple opinions.
(4) to gain some functional ability in comprehending and writing texts constructed with learned language structures, using hiragana, katakana and approximately 250 and more kanjis.
(5) to develop strategic skills for getting information about the Japanese language and promoting language acquisition through communication with Japanese speakers.
Learning goals of this course are LG2(Diversity Awareness) and LG4(Effective Communication).
In this course, we will conduct class discussions using case studies in order to achieve the learning goals. The students attending this course may be required to write a preparatory report and must participate in the class discussions.
The objectives of INTRODUCTORY JAPANESE 4 are:
(1) to expand ability for daily communication in both spoken and written Japanese.
(2) to become familiar with language structures both of spoken and written Japanese.
(3) to be able to orally deliver factual information/knowledge and express simple opinions.
(4) to gain some functional ability in comprehending and writing texts constructed with learned language structures, using hiragana, katakana and approximately 250 and more kanjis.
(5) to develop strategic skills for getting information about the Japanese language and promoting language acquisition through communication with Japanese speakers.
Learning goals of this course are LG2(Diversity Awareness) and LG4(Effective Communication).
In this course, we will conduct class discussions using case studies in order to achieve the learning goals. The students attending this course may be required to write a preparatory report and must participate in the class discussions.
到達目標 / Achievement Goal
本授業の該当ラーニングゴール Learning Goals
LG2 Diversity Awareness
LG4 Effective Communication
LG4 Effective Communication
受講後得られる具体的スキルや知識 Learning Outcomes
Things that students will be able to do in Japanese at the end of the course are:
(1) write and understand short essays on the above-mentioned themes or topics while using
many of the 300 basic kanjis.
(2) describe different aspects of one's life.
(3) talk about one's hobby,future,abilities,experiences.
(4) report information indirectly ("I heard ~" and "It seems ~").
(5) talk about a country's geographic and linguistic situations and climate.
(1) write and understand short essays on the above-mentioned themes or topics while using
many of the 300 basic kanjis.
(2) describe different aspects of one's life.
(3) talk about one's hobby,future,abilities,experiences.
(4) report information indirectly ("I heard ~" and "It seems ~").
(5) talk about a country's geographic and linguistic situations and climate.
教育手法 Teaching Method
教育手法 Teaching Method | % of Course Time | |
インプット型 Traditional | 40 % | |
参加者中心型 Participant-Centered Learning | ケースメソッド Case Method | 30 % |
フィールドメソッド Field Method | 30 % | 合計 Total | 100 % |
事前学修と事後学修の内容、レポート、課題に対するフィードバック方法 Pre- and Post-Course Learning, Report, Feedback methods
The purpose of INTRODUCTORY JAPANESE 4 is to lay down a solid core of Japanese on which students can build up skills and abilities in performing different activities in Japanese.
This lecture is drills, discussions, acting or various activities will be prepared and you will be requested to tell or submit the short essay (in Japanese) about yourself at the end of each unit.
As classes will be conducted mainly in Japanese, students are expected to prepare lessons in advance.Homework will be assigned regularly to reinforce learning. All students are expected to study Kanji according to the Kanji work sheets in and out of the class.
This lecture is drills, discussions, acting or various activities will be prepared and you will be requested to tell or submit the short essay (in Japanese) about yourself at the end of each unit.
As classes will be conducted mainly in Japanese, students are expected to prepare lessons in advance.Homework will be assigned regularly to reinforce learning. All students are expected to study Kanji according to the Kanji work sheets in and out of the class.
授業スケジュール Course Schedule
Week1・Academic Orientation
・Achievement Test
・Giving guidance or instructions (Unit 10-1)
・Telling ”dos and don’ts ” (Unit 10-1)
・Asking someone to do something(Unit 10-1)
「 Case Book for INTRODUCTORY JAPANESE 4 Unit7-12」第2日(Day2)
・Giving guidance or instructions (Unit 10-2)
・Telling ”dos and don’ts ” (Unit 10-2)
・Asking someone to do something(Unit 10-2)
「 Case Book for INTRODUCTORY JAPANESE 4 Unit7-12」第3日(Day3)
・Expressing obligations or duty (Unit 11-1)
・Telling someone not to do something(Unit 11-1)
「 Case Book for INTRODUCTORY JAPANESE 4 Unit7-12」第4日(Day4)
・Expressing obligations or duty (Unit 11-2)
・Telling someone not to do something(Unit 11-2)
「 Case Book for INTRODUCTORY JAPANESE 4 Unit7-12」第5日(Day5)
・Saying the preferred action (Unit 12-1)
「 Case Book for INTRODUCTORY JAPANESE 4 Unit7-12」第6日(Day6)
・Saying the preferred action (Unit 12-2)
「 Case Book for INTRODUCTORY JAPANESE 4 Unit7-12」第7日(Day7)
・AT for Unit10-12
「 Case Book for INTRODUCTORY JAPANESE 4 Unit7-12」成績評価方法 Evaluation Criteria
講師用内規準拠 Method of Assessment | Weights |
コールドコール Cold Call | 0 % |
授業内での挙手発言 Class Contribution | 35 % |
クラス貢献度合計 Class Contribution Total | 35 % |
予習レポート Preparation Report | 15 % |
小テスト Quizzes / Tests | 20 % |
シミュレーション成績 Simulation | 0 % |
ケース試験 Case Exam | 0 % |
最終レポート Final Report | 0 % |
期末試験 Final Exam | 30 % |
参加者による相互評価 Peer Assessment | 0 % |
合計 Total | 100 % |
評価の留意事項 Notes on Evaluation Criteria
教科書 Textbook
- 西口光一「NEJ:A New Approach to Elementary Japanese [vol.1] テーマで学ぶ基礎日本語」くろしお出版(2012)ISBN-13: 978-4874245507
参考文献・資料 Additional Readings and Resource
・TMU mic-J(2017)『Elementary Japanese』Web、TMU、http://nihongo.hum.tmu.ac.jp/mic-j/N5/index.html
・TMU mic-J(2017)『東京語アクセント』Web、TMU、http://nihongo.hum.tmu.ac.jp/mic-j/accent/index.html
・スリーエーネットワーク編(2012)『みんなの日本語初級Ⅰ 第2版 翻訳・文法解説 英語版』、スリーエーネットワーク、ISBN:978-4883196043
・スリーエーネットワーク編(2012)『みんなの日本語 初級I 第2版 標準問題集』、スリーエーネットワーク、ISBN:978-4883196067
・磯野英治・西郡仁朗 監修(2017)『『実践日本語コミュニケーション検定ブリッジ 問題集』、ウイネット出版、ISBN:978-4434226205
・TMU mic-J(2017)『東京語アクセント』Web、TMU、http://nihongo.hum.tmu.ac.jp/mic-j/accent/index.html
・スリーエーネットワーク編(2012)『みんなの日本語初級Ⅰ 第2版 翻訳・文法解説 英語版』、スリーエーネットワーク、ISBN:978-4883196043
・スリーエーネットワーク編(2012)『みんなの日本語 初級I 第2版 標準問題集』、スリーエーネットワーク、ISBN:978-4883196067
・磯野英治・西郡仁朗 監修(2017)『『実践日本語コミュニケーション検定ブリッジ 問題集』、ウイネット出版、ISBN:978-4434226205
授業調査に対するコメント Comment on Course Evaluation
There is no change for this class.
担当教員のプロフィール About the Instructor
Doctor's Degree in Japanese Language Education(Ph.D.),Tokyo Metropolitan University,Tokyo
Master's Degree in Japanese Language Education(M.A.),Tokyo Metropolitan University,Tokyo
<Field of study>
Japanese language education・Pragmatics・Sociolinguistics
Refereed Articles
- (2024) The Linguistic Landscape of Koreatown in Nagoya:Its Origins and Current Status. Journal of Japanese Language (82):
- (2024) Production and Use of Video Teaching Material for Career Support for Foreign Language Majors in Education: Practice in University Education in Korea and Japan. The Korean Journal of Japanology (140): 1225-1453
- (2024) Scenario for Video Resource “Introduction of Linguistic Landscapes in Japan for Basic Level Japanese Learners”. Studies in the Japanese Language (44): 0386-6084
- (2023) Scenario for Video Resource “Careers through Video: Japanese and Korean Students Making the Most of Their Major Languages”. Studies in the Japanese Language (43): 0386-6084
- (2023) Production and Release of a Video Teaching Material ‟Careers through Video: Japanese and Korean Students Making the Most of Their Major Languages”. The Korean Journal of Japanology (134): 1225-1453