シラバス Syllabus

Course Title ENGLISH FUNDAMENTALS 500 S (2nd)
担当教員 Instructor Name Myeongeun Son
コード Couse Code NUC300_N21A
授業形態 Class Type 講義 Regular course
授業形式 Class Format On Campus
単位 Credits 4
言語 Language EN
科目区分 Course Category 専門教育科目200系 / Specialized Subject 200
学位 Degree BSc
開講情報 Terms / Location 2021 UG Nisshin Spring

授業の概要 Course Overview

Misson Statementとの関係性 / Connection to our Mission Statement

This course aligns with NUCB's mission statement to educate innovative and ethical leaders who possess a ‘Frontier Spirit.'

This course will provide students the foundation to learn the English language and productive and receptive skills in preparation to achieve the CEFR B1 level at the TOEIC® Listening and Reading score (550-780 score range).

授業の目的(意義) / Importance of this course

This course focuses on understanding grammar and making use of the knowledge through reading, listening, speaking, and communication tasks assuming various business situations.

到達目標 / Achievement Goal

Across the classes, assignments and tasks are presented in individual and pair work formats, and homework and individual study components for active learning through online modules are also woven throughout the course.

本授業の該当ラーニングゴール Learning Goals


LG1 Critical Thinking
LG2 Diversity Awareness
LG3 Ethical Decision Making
LG4 Effective Communication
LG5 Business Perspectives (BSc)
LG6 Managerial Perspectives (BBA)
LG7 International Perspectives (BA)

受講後得られる具体的スキルや知識 Learning Outcomes

- to review the grammar previously learnt
- to use the grammar of each week in statements and questions

- to improve reading fluency
- to learn and use critical reading strategies such as skimming and scanning

- to learn and use critical listening strategies to identify key facts
- to search for and recognize information about people, places, things and events from an audio sample

Speaking & Communication:
- to discuss topics using spontaneous and practiced speech
- to accurately describe people, places, and things
- to be able to ask and respond to questions about one's and someone's daily life

SDGsとの関連性 Relevance to Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 4 質の高い教育をみんなに(Quality Education)

教育手法 Teaching Method

教育手法 Teaching Method % of Course Time
インプット型 Traditional 80 %
参加者中心型 Participant-Centered Learning ケースメソッド Case Method 20 %
フィールドメソッド Field Method 0 %
合計 Total 100 %

事前学修と事後学修の内容、レポート、課題に対するフィードバック方法 Pre- and Post-Course Learning, Report, Feedback methods

This course will be guided by a lecture, which will be supported by independent study completed by the students. The independent study will include work from the course materials available in the online platform of the textbook. Group and peer interaction will occur through the semester, and will be supplemented with individual work.

授業スケジュール Course Schedule


Week 1
Diagnostics & Introduction
Unit 1 Jobs

Week 2
Unit 1 Jobs Vocabulary
Quiz 1


Week 3
Unit 1 Progress test
Unit 2 Products & Services
Vocabulary Quiz 2

Week 4
Unit 2 Products & Services
Vocabulary Quiz 3


Week 5
Unit 2 Progress test
Unit 3 Location
Vocabulary Quiz 4

Week 6
Unit 3 Location
Vocabulary Quiz 5


Week 7
Unit 3 Progress test
Review Units 1-3
Vocabulary Quiz 6

Week 8
Unit 4 Technology
Vocabulary Quiz 7


Week 9
Unit 4 Technology
Vocabulary Quiz 8

Week 10
Unit 4 Progress test
Unit 5 Communication
Vocabulary Quiz 9


Week 11
Unit 5 Communication
Vocabulary Quiz 10

Week 12
Unit 5 Progress test
Unit 6 Networking
Vocabulary Quiz 11


Week 13
Unit 6 Networking
Vocabulary Quiz 13

Week 14
Unit 6 Progress test
Review Units 4-6
Vocabulary Quiz 13

成績評価方法 Evaluation Criteria

講師用内規準拠 Method of Assessment Weights
コールドコール Cold Call 0 %
授業内での挙手発言 Class Contribution 20 %
クラス貢献度合計 Class Contribution Total 20 %
予習レポート Preparation Report 20 %
小テスト Quizzes / Tests 30 %
シミュレーション成績 Simulation 0 %
ケース試験 Case Exam 0 %
最終レポート Final Report 0 %
期末試験 Final Exam 30 %
参加者による相互評価 Peer Assessment 0 %
合計 Total 100 %

評価の留意事項 Notes on Evaluation Criteria

Preparation report = SAC-related work
Quizzes / Tests = in-class tests (15%) + TOEIC test (15%) = 30%

For SAC compulsory classes, students are required to study over 20 hours during the semester at SAC in the Central Information Center. Additionally, students enrolled in SAC Compulsory courses are all required to take the TOEIC exam 3 times at NUCB during the spring semester (June) and fall semester (September and December). Failing to do so, a student will receive Incomplete for his/her grade for the SAC compulsory course in the semester in which the student failed to take the TOEIC exam.

Weekly in-class tests and score from the TOEIC test in June represent 30% of the final grade. The final exam will represent 30% of the final grade, and 20% will come from class participation as marked by responded to other class activities.

使用ケース一覧 List of Cases


教科書 Textbook

  • David Grant, John Hughes, Nina Leeke, Rebecca Turner「Business Result Second edition Elementary - Student's book with online practice」Oxford University Press (2017)9780194738668

参考文献・資料 Additional Readings and Resource

Additional materials will be supplied by the instructor; other resources may be made available from activities and materials in SAC.

授業調査に対するコメント Comment on Course Evaluation

Course in charge of the first year

担当教員のプロフィール About the Instructor 

Myeongeun Son is an assistant professor in the faculty of International Studies at NUCB. Before joining NUCB, she taught Second Language Learning, Pedagogical Grammar, American Language and Culture, and English to undergraduate as well as secondary school students. Her research interests lie in development of Second Language (L2), L2 processing, and Second Language Acquisition (SLA). She has mainly investigated how L2 learners process and produce L2 and the extent to which their L2 processing and production are linked to their L1 ones. In addition, she has also conducted research on L2 learners' attention and socialization. Her research has appeared in journals, such as Applied Psycholinguistics.

Refereed Articles

  • (2022) The role of modality and working memory capacity in L2 production. Language Teaching Research 1362-1688
  • (2022) International Undergraduate Students’ Socialization and L2 Writing: A Case Study. English Teaching
  • (2021) Attention to form and meaning revisited: Insights from eye tracking. Studies in Second Language Acquisition
  • (2021) The role of modality in cross-linguistic syntactic priming. Linguistic Research 38
  • (2021) L2 language development in oral and written modality. Michigan State University
