担当教員 Instructor Name | 植村 猛(Takeshi Uemura) |
コード Couse Code | NUC277_N23A |
授業形態 Class Type | 講義 Regular course |
授業形式 Class Format | On Campus |
単位 Credits | 2 |
言語 Language | EN |
科目区分 Course Category | 教養教育科目100系 / Liberal Arts 100 |
学位 Degree | BSc |
開講情報 Terms / Location | 2023 UG Nisshin Spring Intensive |
授業の概要 Course Overview
Misson Statementとの関係性 / Connection to our Mission Statement
To teach and educate students with the frontier spirit and aim to become
a leader in their future workplace.
a leader in their future workplace.
授業の目的(意義) / Importance of this course
The Goal of Lessons
English Communication 1 is designed slightly differently from the ordinary EC1. It focuses mainly on helping students achieve their goal of participating in the Gap Year Program exposure to a variety of natural (authentic) English in various media.
English Communication 1 is designed slightly differently from the ordinary EC1. It focuses mainly on helping students achieve their goal of participating in the Gap Year Program exposure to a variety of natural (authentic) English in various media.
到達目標 / Achievement Goal
Upon Completion
This intensive course gives students ample time to experience authentic listening and written English. They will gain the confidence to approach their ultimate goals from their Gap Year projects.
This intensive course gives students ample time to experience authentic listening and written English. They will gain the confidence to approach their ultimate goals from their Gap Year projects.
本授業の該当ラーニングゴール Learning Goals
LG1 Critical Thinking
LG2 Diversity Awareness
LG4 Effective Communication
LG7 International Perspectives (BA)
LG2 Diversity Awareness
LG4 Effective Communication
LG7 International Perspectives (BA)
受講後得られる具体的スキルや知識 Learning Outcomes
Teaching Method
During this intensive program, the students will experience lots of real English communication outside the classroom situation with the help of Google Classwork. All the authentic materials will prepare them to face their new challenge to talk to local people about their projects.
During this intensive program, the students will experience lots of real English communication outside the classroom situation with the help of Google Classwork. All the authentic materials will prepare them to face their new challenge to talk to local people about their projects.
SDGsとの関連性 Relevance to Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 4 質の高い教育をみんなに(Quality Education)
教育手法 Teaching Method
教育手法 Teaching Method | % of Course Time | |
インプット型 Traditional | 5 % | |
参加者中心型 Participant-Centered Learning | ケースメソッド Case Method | 0 % |
フィールドメソッド Field Method | 95 % | 合計 Total | 100 % |
事前学修と事後学修の内容、レポート、課題に対するフィードバック方法 Pre- and Post-Course Learning, Report, Feedback methods
In class activities and assignments are mandatory in fulfill the course requirement.
授業スケジュール Course Schedule
What’s the difference between these two languages, Japanese and English?●使用するケース
How to create an English brain?Students will experience a variety of English spoken by different nationalities.
Tx and authentic supplements
Day 2The difference in frequency in Japanese and English.
How can the Japanese overcome their weakness?
Tx and authentic supplements
D2What’s the difference between rhythm and pronunciation?
Tx and authentic supplements
Day 3Understand the rules of sound in speaking English.
Why are some of the words not pronounced clearly in ordinary conversation?
D3How tone of voice can transmit the message you want to convey?
Tx and authentic supplements
Day 4Have a purpose and strategy for your GYP plan.
Students prepare for Gap Year program projects.
Questions & answers
D4Examining professional reporters’ interview styles.
Tx and authentic supplements
Day 5Making use of easy words to communicate with local people.
Familiar with the simple structure of English grammar
D5Tx and authentic supplements
Day 6Show your enthusiastic feeling when you converse with people,
Knowing how to show your determination and necessity to accomplish your goal.
D 6Use your Katakana knowledge to transcribe the exact sound you hear in English words that you are having a problem with comprehension. Use what you already know to solve the unknown puzzle.
Tx and authentic supplements
Day7At the end of this intensive training course, students should feel relaxed when they talk without worrying about grammar or vocab. They should understand when we communicate with other people, and you don’t have to speak in complete sentences,
We communicate by adding piece after piece of talk to convey our message. We carry out our conversation in any language this way.
D7On the final day, a complete review of what they have learned from this intensive course in helping them achieve their ultimate goal of a Gap Year Program abroad.
成績評価方法 Evaluation Criteria
講師用内規準拠 Method of Assessment | Weights |
コールドコール Cold Call | 0 % |
授業内での挙手発言 Class Contribution | 0 % |
クラス貢献度合計 Class Contribution Total | 0 % |
予習レポート Preparation Report | 0 % |
小テスト Quizzes / Tests | 70 % |
シミュレーション成績 Simulation | 0 % |
ケース試験 Case Exam | 0 % |
最終レポート Final Report | 0 % |
期末試験 Final Exam | 30 % |
参加者による相互評価 Peer Assessment | 0 % |
合計 Total | 100 % |
評価の留意事項 Notes on Evaluation Criteria
教科書 Textbook
- Byran Stephens and Angela Buckingham「International Express」Oxford(2019)978-0-19-441828-7
参考文献・資料 Additional Readings and Resource
All the supplementary materials are available on Google Classwork.
授業調査に対するコメント Comment on Course Evaluation
Positive learning attitude is highly encouraged in this intensive course.
All the conditions are met: time, desire to learn and necessity.
All the conditions are met: time, desire to learn and necessity.
担当教員のプロフィール About the Instructor
After graduations from U C Berkeley and T C Columbia University, he has been teaching English in Japan since 1981.
(実務経験 Work experience)
1981 Lecturer NUCB
1983 - 1988 Lecturer, Associate Prof Koryo International College
1998 - 2002 Associate Prof, Professor NUCB Faculty of Foreign Languages and Asian Studies
2010 Professor NUCB Faculty of Communication
2011 Professor, Acting Dean NUCB Faculty of Communication
2013 Professor, Dean NUCB Faculty of Communication
2017 Specially Appointed Professor NUCB
2018 Specially Appointed Professor NUCB Faculty of International Studies
2018 - present Professor, Dean NUCB Faculty of International Studies
1988-1995 Japan Based Professor TC Columbia University TESOL MA Program
1983 - 1988 Lecturer, Associate Prof Koryo International College
1998 - 2002 Associate Prof, Professor NUCB Faculty of Foreign Languages and Asian Studies
2010 Professor NUCB Faculty of Communication
2011 Professor, Acting Dean NUCB Faculty of Communication
2013 Professor, Dean NUCB Faculty of Communication
2017 Specially Appointed Professor NUCB
2018 Specially Appointed Professor NUCB Faculty of International Studies
2018 - present Professor, Dean NUCB Faculty of International Studies
1988-1995 Japan Based Professor TC Columbia University TESOL MA Program
He has been involved in various committees during his service at NUCB.