授業名 | 現代アジアの社会と文化 |
Course Title | Society and Culture in Contemporary Asia |
担当教員 Instructor Name | 趙 貴花(Guihua Zhao) |
コード Couse Code | NUC201_N23B |
授業形態 Class Type | 講義 Regular course |
授業形式 Class Format | On Campus |
単位 Credits | 2 |
言語 Language | JP |
科目区分 Course Category | 教養教育科目100系 / Liberal Arts 100 専門教育科目300系 / Specialized Subject 300 |
学位 Degree | BSc |
開講情報 Terms / Location | 2023 UG Nisshin Term3 |
授業の概要 Course Overview
Misson Statementとの関係性 / Connection to our Mission Statement
Our university’s mission is to develop innovative and ethical leaders with "frontier spirit" and to create knowledge that will bring about the development of the business world and society.
授業の目的(意義) / Importance of this course
In this course, in order to connect Asia and the rest of the world in the new era, we aim to learn the past and present of Asia and acquire a multifaceted perspective.
The Asian region has diverse characteristics, and language, culture, ethnicity, religion, education, political system, social and economic structure, etc. must be considered in accordance with the actual situation of each country and region. This lecture focuses on the East Asian and Southeast Asian regions, which are more closely related to our daily lives in the Asian region, and aims to deepen understanding and consideration of the multilingual and multicultural situation in Asian countries, national integration, and various issues related to the movement of people and education by mainly using cases such as China, Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, etc.
The Asian region has diverse characteristics, and language, culture, ethnicity, religion, education, political system, social and economic structure, etc. must be considered in accordance with the actual situation of each country and region. This lecture focuses on the East Asian and Southeast Asian regions, which are more closely related to our daily lives in the Asian region, and aims to deepen understanding and consideration of the multilingual and multicultural situation in Asian countries, national integration, and various issues related to the movement of people and education by mainly using cases such as China, Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, etc.
到達目標 / Achievement Goal
本授業の該当ラーニングゴール Learning Goals
LG1 Critical Thinking
LG2 Diversity Awareness
LG3 Ethical Decision Making
LG4 Effective Communication
LG7 International Perspectives (BA)
LG2 Diversity Awareness
LG3 Ethical Decision Making
LG4 Effective Communication
LG7 International Perspectives (BA)
受講後得られる具体的スキルや知識 Learning Outcomes
By attending this lecture successfully, students will be able to deepen their understanding of the diversity of Asia and the problems in modern society, and at the same time, acquire the basics of cultural anthropology methodologies.
SDGsとの関連性 Relevance to Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 4 質の高い教育をみんなに(Quality Education)
教育手法 Teaching Method
教育手法 Teaching Method | % of Course Time | |
インプット型 Traditional | 40 % | |
参加者中心型 Participant-Centered Learning | ケースメソッド Case Method | 50 % |
フィールドメソッド Field Method | 10 % | 合計 Total | 100 % |
事前学修と事後学修の内容、レポート、課題に対するフィードバック方法 Pre- and Post-Course Learning, Report, Feedback methods
授業スケジュール Course Schedule
日本の課題について考える。成績評価方法 Evaluation Criteria
講師用内規準拠 Method of Assessment | Weights |
コールドコール Cold Call | 0 % |
授業内での挙手発言 Class Contribution | 20 % |
クラス貢献度合計 Class Contribution Total | 20 % |
予習レポート Preparation Report | 20 % |
小テスト Quizzes / Tests | 20 % |
シミュレーション成績 Simulation | 0 % |
ケース試験 Case Exam | 0 % |
最終レポート Final Report | 0 % |
期末試験 Final Exam | 30 % |
参加者による相互評価 Peer Assessment | 10 % |
合計 Total | 100 % |
評価の留意事項 Notes on Evaluation Criteria
授業中の挙手発言、グループ討論、個人発表、事前課題の提出、試験の結果などを評価する。教科書 Textbook
- ベネディクト・アンダーソン/ 白石隆・白石さや「定本 想像の共同体―ナショナリズムの起源と流行」書籍工房早山(2007)978-4904701089
参考文献・資料 Additional Readings and Resource
[1]岩崎育夫『東南アジア近現代史』講談社 2017 978-4-06-288410-5
[2]田中明彦・川島真『20世紀の東アジア史 II各国史[1]東北アジア』東京大学出版会
[3]大泉啓一郎『消費するアジア:新興国市場の可能性と不安』中央公論新社 2011 978-4121021113
[4]上水流久彦/太田心平/尾崎孝宏/川口幸大:『東アジアで学ぶ文化人類学』昭和堂 2017 ISBN 978ー4ー
[5]岩渕秀樹:『韓国のグローバル人材育成力:超競争社会の真実』講談社 2013 ISBN 978-4062881944
[2]田中明彦・川島真『20世紀の東アジア史 II各国史[1]東北アジア』東京大学出版会
[3]大泉啓一郎『消費するアジア:新興国市場の可能性と不安』中央公論新社 2011 978-4121021113
[4]上水流久彦/太田心平/尾崎孝宏/川口幸大:『東アジアで学ぶ文化人類学』昭和堂 2017 ISBN 978ー4ー
[5]岩渕秀樹:『韓国のグローバル人材育成力:超競争社会の真実』講談社 2013 ISBN 978-4062881944
授業調査に対するコメント Comment on Course Evaluation
担当教員のプロフィール About the Instructor
Refereed Articles
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- (2023) Bilingual education in a globalized age: An ecological perspective on two Chosonjuk schools in China. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism (Online first):
- (2021) Migrants and Their Languages in East Asia. Annual Review of the Japan Society for Intercultural Studies 19 978-4-86258-119-8
- (2019) International Migration of Ex- International Students of the Korean Chinese parents and Their Children Education: Educational Strategies and Conflicts on Transfer. The Journal of East Asian Educational Research 7
- (2013) Education and Language of Migrants: An Ethnography of Korean Chinese. The University of Tokyo