授業名 | SEMINAR 4 |
Course Title | SEMINAR 4 |
担当教員 Instructor Name | 栗原 典子(Noriko Kurihara) |
コード Couse Code | NUC049_N23B |
授業形態 Class Type | 演習 Practicum |
授業形式 Class Format | On Campus |
単位 Credits | 2 |
言語 Language | EN |
科目区分 Course Category | 共通専門教育科目300系 / Specialized Subject 300 |
学位 Degree | BSc |
開講情報 Terms / Location | 2023 UG Nisshin Fall |
授業の概要 Course Overview
Misson Statementとの関係性 / Connection to our Mission Statement
In line with NUCB's mission statement, this English language seminar aims to educate and inspire students to become innovative and ethical leaders through the medium of English. In so doing, it is hoped they can grasp and take on the ideal of ʻFrontier Spiritʼ and the ability to create and use knowledge in English for the advancement of business and society.
This seminar is a continuation of the important relationship between the teacher and the students in terms of overall guidance and personal self-development toward graduation and transition into the working world.
This seminar is a continuation of the important relationship between the teacher and the students in terms of overall guidance and personal self-development toward graduation and transition into the working world.
授業の目的(意義) / Importance of this course
*It is designed to provide students with practical skills for undertaking research and writing about it. It is an interactive seminar where students are expected to readily participate and contribute to the class.
*It is also a seminar where students are required to work well in teams and to share knowledge and ideas with each other. Each student is also required to complete all assignments related to the development of their graduation thesis.
*It is also a seminar where students are required to work well in teams and to share knowledge and ideas with each other. Each student is also required to complete all assignments related to the development of their graduation thesis.
到達目標 / Achievement Goal
The goal of this seminar is for students to gain a clear understanding of what a methodology is through their attempts to answer each of their research questions via method(s) and means of analysis used and justified, the data collection processes involved, and any research ethical issues to address (if the research involves human beings).
本授業の該当ラーニングゴール Learning Goals
LG1 Critical Thinking
LG2 Diversity Awareness
LG3 Ethical Decision Making
LG4 Effective Communication
LG2 Diversity Awareness
LG3 Ethical Decision Making
LG4 Effective Communication
受講後得られる具体的スキルや知識 Learning Outcomes
By the end of this semester, students should:
1. be better able to search for and find relevant resources (print and/or Internet) for undertaking research
on their thesis topic
2. understand the purpose and function of a Methodology section
3. have more knowledge about how to write a methodology section
4. gain writing experience through the drafting process of their Methodology section
5. write a tentative final version of their Methodology section (500+ words)
The overall aims of seminar are for the students to:
• Continue to develop their understanding of how to conduct basic research.
• Continue to expand their study, communication and writing skills.
• Continue to explore and develop their strengths and weaknesses in relation to work skills.
• Continue to develop their undergraduate thesis.
• Continue to foster their transferable skills as they relate to their desired future ambition.
• Continue to develop their organizational and goal setting skills.
1. be better able to search for and find relevant resources (print and/or Internet) for undertaking research
on their thesis topic
2. understand the purpose and function of a Methodology section
3. have more knowledge about how to write a methodology section
4. gain writing experience through the drafting process of their Methodology section
5. write a tentative final version of their Methodology section (500+ words)
The overall aims of seminar are for the students to:
• Continue to develop their understanding of how to conduct basic research.
• Continue to expand their study, communication and writing skills.
• Continue to explore and develop their strengths and weaknesses in relation to work skills.
• Continue to develop their undergraduate thesis.
• Continue to foster their transferable skills as they relate to their desired future ambition.
• Continue to develop their organizational and goal setting skills.
SDGsとの関連性 Relevance to Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 4 質の高い教育をみんなに(Quality Education)
教育手法 Teaching Method
教育手法 Teaching Method | % of Course Time | |
インプット型 Traditional | 100 % | |
参加者中心型 Participant-Centered Learning | ケースメソッド Case Method | 0 % |
フィールドメソッド Field Method | 0 % | 合計 Total | 100 % |
事前学修と事後学修の内容、レポート、課題に対するフィードバック方法 Pre- and Post-Course Learning, Report, Feedback methods
Like Seminars 1, 2, and 3, a learner-centred approach will once again be taken, making use of both individual and learner-centred group work designed to promote individual accountability and positive interdependence.
Feedback (formative and summative) will come in both verbal and written forms both inside and outside the class.
Feedback (formative and summative) will come in both verbal and written forms both inside and outside the class.
授業スケジュール Course Schedule
Students will be engaged in the following tasks over 14 weeks of class:Introduction to the Methodology section:
*What is it?
*Why does one write it?
*How does one write it?
*Types of Research
*Choosing a Type of Research
*The Research Process
*Research Ethics
Constructing an Outline of the Methodology Section* Building a basic overview of the literature review
* Use of concept mapping software
Focusing and diagramming the main points of the Methodology section* writing for detail
* checking for cohesion between concepts
Drafting and submission of initial draft* iterative constructive and critical feedback given to students
* students address the feedback as they receive it
Drafting and submission of subsequent draft* iterative constructive and critical feedback given to students
* students address the feedback as they receive it
Drafting and submission of subsequent draft* iterative constructive and critical feedback given to students
* students address the feedback as they receive it
Tentative final draft submission (500+ words)成績評価方法 Evaluation Criteria
Literature Review Drafts = Preparation report = 40%
Completion of Literature Review (1,500 words) = Final Report = 30%
講師用内規準拠 Method of Assessment | Weights |
コールドコール Cold Call | 0 % |
授業内での挙手発言 Class Contribution | 50 % |
クラス貢献度合計 Class Contribution Total | 50 % |
予習レポート Preparation Report | 50 % |
小テスト Quizzes / Tests | 0 % |
シミュレーション成績 Simulation | 0 % |
ケース試験 Case Exam | 0 % |
最終レポート Final Report | 0 % |
期末試験 Final Exam | 0 % |
参加者による相互評価 Peer Assessment | 0 % |
合計 Total | 100 % |
評価の留意事項 Notes on Evaluation Criteria
Participation = Evidence of active effort and responsible communicative engagement in the thesis writing process both inside and outside of class (e.g. individual meetings with instructor; e-mail correspondence) = 30%Literature Review Drafts = Preparation report = 40%
Completion of Literature Review (1,500 words) = Final Report = 30%
教科書 Textbook
- N/A「N/A」N/A(N/A)
参考文献・資料 Additional Readings and Resource
There is no required textbook for this course. All materials will be supplied by the instructor. Moreover, students will be directed to resources that will help them complete the methodology section of their thesis.
授業調査に対するコメント Comment on Course Evaluation
This is the first year in charge of this course.
担当教員のプロフィール About the Instructor
修士 ( MA in TESOL/ Applied Linguistics ) Teachers College Columbia University, Japan
修士 ( MA in TESOL/ Applied Linguistics ) Teachers College Columbia University, Japan
Noriko Kurihara has many years of English teaching experience at both secondary school and at higher education institutions such as Kyoto University, Ritsumeikan University, Nara Women’s University, Okayama University and Kurashiki City College. Her research interests include learner autonomy, critical thinking, and sociolinguistics. Her main focus has been on process-oriented writing and the impact of peer review on the development of student writing skills. She has given numerous academic presentations for professional organizations such as JALT, JACET, TESOL, IATEFL and AILA, and her research has appeared in international publications such as TESOL Journal and the Asian Journal of Applied Linguistics. She has also been active in international youth exchange programs and occasionally edits and reviews articles for peer-reviewed journals.
(実務経験 Work experience)
1981 ~ 2014 兵庫県立高等学校 (教諭)
2014 ~ 2018 奈良女子大学、立命館大学、京都大学、岡山大学、兵庫県立大学、神戸芸術工科大学 (非常勤講師)
2018 ~ 2023 倉敷市立短期大学 (准教授)
2023 名古屋商科大学 (准教授)
2014 ~ 2018 奈良女子大学、立命館大学、京都大学、岡山大学、兵庫県立大学、神戸芸術工科大学 (非常勤講師)
2018 ~ 2023 倉敷市立短期大学 (准教授)
2023 名古屋商科大学 (准教授)
1981 ~ 2014 teacher at senior high schools in Hyogo Prefecture
2014 ~ 2018 instructor at Nara Women's University, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto University,
Okayama University, Hyogo Prefectural University, Kobe Design University
2018 ~ 2023 associate professor at Kurashiki City College
2023 ~ associate professor at NUCB
Refereed Articles
- (2023) Training High School Students on Summary Writing. The Bulletin of the Writing Research Group, JACET Kansai Chapter 15 1883-7840
- (2019) The Significance of Collaborative Learning in Foreign Language Education: A Sociocultural Perspective. Kyoto University Research Information Repository (KURENAI)
- (2017) Do Peer Reviews Help Improve Student Writing Abilities in an EFL High School Classroom?. TESOL Journal 8(2): 1056-7941
- (2017) Peer review in an EFL classroom: Impact on the improvement of student writing abilities. The Asian Journal of Applied Linguistics 4(1): 2308-6262