授業名 | Risk Management & Sustainability |
Course Title | Risk Management & Sustainability |
担当教員 Instructor Name | 姉川 知史(Tomofumi Anegawa) |
コード Couse Code | GLP271_G23N |
授業形態 Class Type | 講義 Regular course |
授業形式 Class Format | On Campus |
単位 Credits | 2 |
言語 Language | EN |
科目区分 Course Category | 基礎科目100系 / Basic |
学位 Degree | MSc in Management |
開講情報 Terms / Location | 2023 GSM Nagoya Fall |
授業の概要 Course Overview
Misson Statementとの関係性 / Connection to our Mission Statement
To learn risk and crisis management with the global perspectives, advanced management capabilities, and high ethical standards, all of which are required to be a pioneer.
授業の目的(意義) / Importance of this course
By applying case method leaning to representative case studies of risk management, we analyze and discuss the risk management and sustainability for future corporate managers as well as for responsible citizens in society. We address three questions. First we clarify what is risk, uncertainty, and risk management for business activities. Second we examine corporate risk management methods including decision analysis, risk analysis, statistical decision making, public relations, finance and ethics. Third we discuss economic, political, environmental and cultural conditions for risk management and crisis management. This year we also emphasize impact of crisis associated with natural disaster, infectious disease, Russia and Ukraine war, financial crisis, population and aging society as a source of global risk.
到達目標 / Achievement Goal
1. To identify and prepare for risk and crisis from daily life to corporate activities and social issues.
2. To learn risk management methods in various disciplines including "probability and statistics," "economics, finance and decision sciences", "project and program management", "human behavior and organization theory".
3. To learn how to apply risk management tools in specific situation found in case materials.
4. To learn how to deal with nation wide risk and crisis such as "population risk", "macro policy risk" and "social risk."
5. To understand global risk and crisis such as "financial crisis", "natural disaster", "infectious diseases like COVID-19", "political risk", "war of nations", "climate change", "risk of technologies."
2. To learn risk management methods in various disciplines including "probability and statistics," "economics, finance and decision sciences", "project and program management", "human behavior and organization theory".
3. To learn how to apply risk management tools in specific situation found in case materials.
4. To learn how to deal with nation wide risk and crisis such as "population risk", "macro policy risk" and "social risk."
5. To understand global risk and crisis such as "financial crisis", "natural disaster", "infectious diseases like COVID-19", "political risk", "war of nations", "climate change", "risk of technologies."
本授業の該当ラーニングゴール Learning Goals
LG1 Critical Thinking
LG3 Ethical Decision Making
LG4 Effective Communication
LG6 Innovative Leadership (MBA)
LG7 Global Perspective (GLP)
LG3 Ethical Decision Making
LG4 Effective Communication
LG6 Innovative Leadership (MBA)
LG7 Global Perspective (GLP)
受講後得られる具体的スキルや知識 Learning Outcomes
Knowledge and problem solving capability in the following issues.
1. Notion of risk and uncertainty: risk associated with business activities.
2. Risk and crisis management tools including probability and statistical decision making, decision analysis, finance, project and portfolio management, simulation, alleviation and mitigation.
3. Sources of risk and business activities such as product liabilities, quality assurance, legal issues, corporate governance, finance, R&D and business strategy.
4. Evaluation of risk from the perspectives of political, environment, economic, and natural disasters.
5. Analysis of risk, ethics and sustainable development goals.
1. Notion of risk and uncertainty: risk associated with business activities.
2. Risk and crisis management tools including probability and statistical decision making, decision analysis, finance, project and portfolio management, simulation, alleviation and mitigation.
3. Sources of risk and business activities such as product liabilities, quality assurance, legal issues, corporate governance, finance, R&D and business strategy.
4. Evaluation of risk from the perspectives of political, environment, economic, and natural disasters.
5. Analysis of risk, ethics and sustainable development goals.
SDGsとの関連性 Relevance to Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 4 質の高い教育をみんなに(Quality Education)
教育手法 Teaching Method
教育手法 Teaching Method | % of Course Time | |
インプット型 Traditional | 10 % | |
参加者中心型 Participant-Centered Learning | ケースメソッド Case Method | 90 % |
フィールドメソッド Field Method | 0 % | 合計 Total | 100 % |
事前学修と事後学修の内容、レポート、課題に対するフィードバック方法 Pre- and Post-Course Learning, Report, Feedback methods
Learning Method
We provide a number of case studies and related documents with varying subjects and topics. In class discussion, we cover only certain materials and the rest are for your reference and supporting materials of the case discussion. Accordingly, when you prepare for the class, you should concentrate on subjects and topics addressed as assignments (Homework and Report Problems). You are also encouraged to figure out your own questions suitable for class discussion. Because we do not have enough time to discuss all subjects and topics in class, you are advised to identify the important questions.
There is no clear pre-specified scenario of class discussion because case method should emphasize collective efforts of participants. Still we will follow typical process of case analysis such as: a. identifying questions, b. raising alternative solutions, c. analysis, d. discussion, e. decision making. Do not expect that an instructor will lead class discussion with his favorite scenario. It is your role to participate in discussion.
Prepare for the class
Read teaching materials (case studies, related papers, and others) based on assignments. You are requested to prepare for the class with double time duration for a class (i.e. 2 hours for 1 hour class discussion).
Homework (you should submit each homework on the day of class)
Prepare one page report for Homework questions (A4 paper, 300-500 words with figure and table). Type written format is preferred.
Final Report/Exams
There is no final exam in class. We use final report for student’s evaluation. There are two part of final report, one is revised homework and the other is report for “Report Problems). You need to produce A4, 10 pages of answer a single file (M.S.Word or PDF is preferred) with proper information (name, student number, page number, homework question number, report problem number).
Grading is class participation (about 70 percent) and final report (about 30 percent).
Feedback in class after 16:40 for 1 hour.
About grading: Overall class performance is announced after grading.
List of Teaching Materials (Notes, Cases, Ref (Reference)
00 Assignment and Teaching Materials List
01 Case& Note, “Risk, Uncertainty and Decision-Cases and Lecture Notes” (Lecturer’s note)
02 Case, “Toyota Recall Crisis - Sudden Unintended Acceleration”
03. Case “Will Smith Slaps a Comedian at the Academy Award 2022 Ceremony.”
04 Case “The Toshiba Accounting Scandal: How Corporate Governance Fails,” Hong Kong University, Asian Case Research Center, HK1097. HBSP
05. Multimedia Case, “Columbia's Final Mission V2,” 8746-HTM-ENG,HBSP.
06. Case, “Economic Crisis of 2008-Japan in the Global Perspective- .
07. Case, “Monetary Policy of Bank of Japan 2022”.
08. Case, “COVID19 Summer 2021, the 5th Wave and Aftermath”
09. Case, “Russia and Ukraine War in 2022.”
10. Employee Evaluation (Excel Spread sheet)
Ref.1. The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance
The Economics of Corporate Governance https://corpgov.law.harvard.edu/2022/08/30/the-economics-of-corporate-governance/
Ref .2. Pellerin, Mathieu, The Economics of Corporate Governance (July 19, 2022). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4165764 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4165764
Ref. 3. Animation Movie “The Crisis of Credit Visualized, HD. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bx_LWm6_6tA
Ref. 4. The Government of Japan, “Abenomics”,
Ref. 5. “Adverse Selection, The Premir”
Ref. 6. Ministry of Finance Japan,Japan Public Finance Fact Sheet 2022,
Ref. 7. Ministry of Environment and other Japanese Government, “Synthesis Report on Observations, Projections and Impact Assessments of Climate Change, 2018, “Climate Change in Japan and Its impacts,”
Ref. 8. Ministry of Environment, Japan, Annual Report on the Environment Japan, 2022.
Ref. 9.Fukushima Revitalization Station, Fukushima Prefecture Government,HP.
We provide a number of case studies and related documents with varying subjects and topics. In class discussion, we cover only certain materials and the rest are for your reference and supporting materials of the case discussion. Accordingly, when you prepare for the class, you should concentrate on subjects and topics addressed as assignments (Homework and Report Problems). You are also encouraged to figure out your own questions suitable for class discussion. Because we do not have enough time to discuss all subjects and topics in class, you are advised to identify the important questions.
There is no clear pre-specified scenario of class discussion because case method should emphasize collective efforts of participants. Still we will follow typical process of case analysis such as: a. identifying questions, b. raising alternative solutions, c. analysis, d. discussion, e. decision making. Do not expect that an instructor will lead class discussion with his favorite scenario. It is your role to participate in discussion.
Prepare for the class
Read teaching materials (case studies, related papers, and others) based on assignments. You are requested to prepare for the class with double time duration for a class (i.e. 2 hours for 1 hour class discussion).
Homework (you should submit each homework on the day of class)
Prepare one page report for Homework questions (A4 paper, 300-500 words with figure and table). Type written format is preferred.
Final Report/Exams
There is no final exam in class. We use final report for student’s evaluation. There are two part of final report, one is revised homework and the other is report for “Report Problems). You need to produce A4, 10 pages of answer a single file (M.S.Word or PDF is preferred) with proper information (name, student number, page number, homework question number, report problem number).
Grading is class participation (about 70 percent) and final report (about 30 percent).
Feedback in class after 16:40 for 1 hour.
About grading: Overall class performance is announced after grading.
List of Teaching Materials (Notes, Cases, Ref (Reference)
00 Assignment and Teaching Materials List
01 Case& Note, “Risk, Uncertainty and Decision-Cases and Lecture Notes” (Lecturer’s note)
02 Case, “Toyota Recall Crisis - Sudden Unintended Acceleration”
03. Case “Will Smith Slaps a Comedian at the Academy Award 2022 Ceremony.”
04 Case “The Toshiba Accounting Scandal: How Corporate Governance Fails,” Hong Kong University, Asian Case Research Center, HK1097. HBSP
05. Multimedia Case, “Columbia's Final Mission V2,” 8746-HTM-ENG,HBSP.
06. Case, “Economic Crisis of 2008-Japan in the Global Perspective- .
07. Case, “Monetary Policy of Bank of Japan 2022”.
08. Case, “COVID19 Summer 2021, the 5th Wave and Aftermath”
09. Case, “Russia and Ukraine War in 2022.”
10. Employee Evaluation (Excel Spread sheet)
Ref.1. The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance
The Economics of Corporate Governance https://corpgov.law.harvard.edu/2022/08/30/the-economics-of-corporate-governance/
Ref .2. Pellerin, Mathieu, The Economics of Corporate Governance (July 19, 2022). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4165764 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4165764
Ref. 3. Animation Movie “The Crisis of Credit Visualized, HD. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bx_LWm6_6tA
Ref. 4. The Government of Japan, “Abenomics”,
Ref. 5. “Adverse Selection, The Premir”
Ref. 6. Ministry of Finance Japan,Japan Public Finance Fact Sheet 2022,
Ref. 7. Ministry of Environment and other Japanese Government, “Synthesis Report on Observations, Projections and Impact Assessments of Climate Change, 2018, “Climate Change in Japan and Its impacts,”
Ref. 8. Ministry of Environment, Japan, Annual Report on the Environment Japan, 2022.
Ref. 9.Fukushima Revitalization Station, Fukushima Prefecture Government,HP.
授業スケジュール Course Schedule
Risk, Uncertainty, Decision and Ethics,Session 1 Notion of Risk, Uncertainty and Decision
01 Note “Risk, Uncertainty and Decision-Cases and Lecture Notes”
10. Employee Evaluation (Excel Spread sheet)
Assignment1-1(Homework1)Analyze “ “Case3, Promotion and MBA:Is MBA Paid Off?” of 01 Note.
Assignment1-2(Homework2)Analyze “ “Case4, Job Performance Evaluation” of 01 Note and an Excel file 10 “Employee’s Evaluation”.
Session 2 Product, Safety and Ethics (1)
02. Case, “Toyota Recall Crisis - Sudden Unintended Acceleration”
Assignment 2-1. To read Appendix 16, and analyze and evaluate Tylenol crisis of J&J. How is it related to corporate ethics, responsibilities, strategies, and leadership? Why is it a textbook example of crisis management? Can culture and risk management of J&J continue in the long-run?
Assignment 2-2. Analyze the risk management of Toyota.
120 min
Session 3 Risk Communication and Ethics
02. Case “Toyota Recall Crisis -Sudden Unintended Acceleration”
Assignment 3-1 (Report Topic 1) Analyze and evaluate Toyota’s activities in response to “sudden unintended acceleration” of its products. Discuss product quality control and quality assurance when machine and human factor are closely interacted. Was Toyota a victim of U.S. politics and media favoring the U.S. domestic makers? Could there be any alternative ways for Toyota?
03. Case “Will Smith Slaps a Comedian at the Academy Award 2022 Ceremony.”
Assignment3-2 Discuss the risk communications of this accident. Who is wrong and responsible for the accident?
01 Note “Risk, Uncertainty and Decision-Cases and Lecture Notes”10. Employee Evaluation (Excel Spread sheet)
02. Case, “Toyota Recall Crisis - Sudden Unintended Acceleration”
02. Case “Toyota Recall Crisis -Sudden Unintended Acceleration”
03. Case “Will Smith Slaps a Comedian at the Academy Award 2022 Ceremony.”
Corporate Governance and CompetitionSession 4 Risk Management - Analytical Tools
01 Note “Risk, Uncertainty and Decision-Cases and Lecture Notes”
Assignment 4-1 Analyze “Case 5. CT Scan Test.” of 01 Note “Risk, Uncertainty and Decision-Cases and Lecture Notes”
Assignment 4-2 (Homework3) Analyze “Case7. Quiz Millionaire” of 01 Note “Risk, Uncertainty and Decision-Cases and Lecture Notes”
Assignment 4-3 (Homework 4) Analyze Question a-c, “Note6. Principal and Agent Problem” of 01 Note “Risk, Uncertainty and Decision-Cases and Lecture Notes”
Session 5 Corporate Governance and Risk Management
Ref 1: The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance
The Economics of Corporate Governance https://corpgov.law.harvard.edu/2022/08/30/the-economics-of-corporate-governance/
Ref 2. Pellerin, Mathieu, The Economics of Corporate Governance (July 19, 2022). Distributed by NUCB, also Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4165764 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4165764
Assignment 5-1 (Report Topic 2) Think about your own example of corporate governance case. In briefly describing its background, raise issues of corporate governance of your example.
Such as Himal raised the issue of the air crash of Napal in January, 2023.
Related to Myanmar politics, there is an example of Kirin Brewery to decide to divest its joint subsidiaries with Myanmar military. Please raise the issue and discuss.
Assignment5-2 Analyze your case from the point of economic theory of corporate governance.
04. Case “The Toshiba Accounting Scandal: How Corporate Governance Fails,” Hong Kong University, Asian Case Research Center, HK1097. HBSP
Assignment 5-3. What went wrong with Toshiba corporate governance? Why and how does accounting scandal occur? Is it ethically wrong or justified? Is it illegal? Are there any methods to prevent it from happening? Discuss them.
Session 6 Risk Management and Risk Communication
05. Multimedia Case, “Columbia's Final Mission V2,” 8746-HTM-ENG,HBSP.
Assignment 6. Live Assignment in class.
100 min.
01 Note “Risk, Uncertainty and Decision-Cases and Lecture Notes”“Note6. Principal and Agent Problem” of 01 Note “Risk, Uncertainty and Decision-Cases and Lecture Notes”
Ref 1: The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance
The Economics of Corporate Governance https://corpgov.law.harvard.edu/2022/08/30/the-economics-of-corporate-governance/
Ref 2. Pellerin, Mathieu, The Economics of Corporate Governance (July 19, 2022). Distributed by NUCB, also Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4165764 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4165764
04. Case “The Toshiba Accounting Scandal: How Corporate Governance Fails,” Hong Kong University, Asian Case Research Center, HK1097. HBSP
05. Multimedia Case, “Columbia's Final Mission V2,” 8746-HTM-ENG,HBSP.
Risk Attitude, Financial Crisis, and Public FinanceSession 7 Risk Attitude and Expected Utility Theory
01 “Risk, Uncertainty and Decision-Cases and Lecture Notes”
Assignment 7-1 (Homework5) Analyze “Case 8. Derive Your Own Utility Function: Expected Utility Theory” of 01 Note.
06. Multimedia Case, “Columbia's Final Mission V2,” 8746-HTM-ENG,HBSP.
Assignment 7. Analyze the risk management of the case.
Session 8 Economic Uncertainty and Japan
01 “Risk, Uncertainty and Decision-Cases and Lecture Notes”
06. Case, “Economic Crisis of 2008-Japan in the Global Perspective-(Read only necessary part) .
07. Case, “Monetary Policy of Bank of Japan 2022”.
Ref.3 Animation Movie “The Crisis of Credit Visualized, HD. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bx_LWm6_6tA
Ref.4 Ref. “Adverse Selection, The Premir”
Ref.5. The Government of Japan, “Abenomics”,
Assignment 8-1. (Report Topic 3) Why bank lending is a risky business? Apply asymmetric information theory (i.e.market for “lemons” in Note6. Principal and Agent Problem” of 01 Note “Risk, Uncertainty and Decision-Cases and Lecture Notes”. to baking business.
How should bank control its risk? What monetary policy is recommended to prevent financial crisis? How is globalization related to deficit of the U.S. and other countries’ current account. Discuss why has the Bank of Japan continued monetary easing policy and evaluate its effects.
Assignment 8-2. Evaluate Bank of Japan monetary policy on December 20,2022 in dealing with the inflation, depreciation of Yen, and other economic issues.
Session 9 Public Finance Crisis
Ref. 6. Ministry of Finance Japan,Japan Public Finance Fact Sheet 2022,
Assignment 9 (Report Topic 4). Evaluate the economic status of Japan. Do you suspect the economic crisis within a few years to come? What is the long-term future with its relationship of various problems including aged population, stagnant economy, and government deficit. What are the methods to solve this situation?
01 “Risk, Uncertainty and Decision-Cases and Lecture Notes”06. Multimedia Case, “Columbia's Final Mission V2,” 8746-HTM-ENG,HBSP.
01 “Risk, Uncertainty and Decision-Cases and Lecture Notes”
06. Case, “Economic Crisis of 2008-Japan in the Global Perspective-(Read only necessary part) .
07. Case, “Monetary Policy of Bank of Japan 2022”.
Ref.4 Ref. “Adverse Selection, The Premir”
Ref.5. The Government of Japan, “Abenomics”,
Ref. 6. Ministry of Finance Japan,Japan Public Finance Fact Sheet 2022,
Natural Disaster, Pandemic, War- Sustainability and Crisis ManagementSession 10 Risk, Crisis and Game Theory
01 Note “Risk, Uncertainty and Decision-Cases and Lecture Notes”
Assignment10-1 (Homework 6) Analyze “Case10. Sea Battle Strategy”.
Assignment10-2 Analyze Case 11. “Glico Hand Game” with “Rock, Paper, Scissors.” Think about your winning strategy. We will have a class game. Case11 “Beauty Contest.” (If we have time, we will play it.)
Assignment10-3. Read Note4. Game Theory and Business Behavior in 01 Note and discuss the roles of Threats, Commitments, and Credibility in business behavior.
Session 11 Natural Disaster and Climate Change
Ref.7. Ministry of Environment and other Japanese Government, “Synthesis Report on Assignment Japan and Its impacts,”
Ref.8. Ministry of Environment, Annual Report on Environment in Japan, 2022
Ref 9.Fukushima Revitalization Station, Fukushima Prefecture Government,HP.
Ch.18 “Externalities and Public Goods” in Pindyck and Rubinfeld, Microeconomics 9/e, 2017.
Assignment 11-1 Answer the Case 13 “What is Your Discount Rates?” in 01 “Risk, Uncertainty and Decision-Cases and Lecture Notes” and evaluate the significance of the answers in the debate on climate change relying on Note8. Climate Change and Social Discount Rates
Assignment 11-2 (Report Topic 5) Discuss Japan’s policies toward global climate and natural disaster. In particular, discuss the future policies of energy and climate change after the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident,
Session 12 Crisis of COVID19 and War
08. Case, “COVID19 Summer 2021, the 5th Wave and Aftermath”
Assignment 12-1. (Report Topic 6) Discuss your country, your company, or your own case in dealing with COVID-19 crisis. Evaluate the policies, actions, and responses.
09. Case “ Russia and Ukraine War in 2022”
Assignment12-2 (Report Topic 7) Analyze the objectives of the governments of Russia, Ukraine, and the U.S. in this war. What would be the results in short run and long run? What would be the methods to stop the war in 2023?
Session 13 Wrap-up
01 Note “Risk, Uncertainty and Decision-Cases and Lecture Notes”Case 11. “Glico Hand Game” with “Rock, Paper, Scissors.”
Ref.7. Ministry of Environment and other Japanese Government, “Synthesis Report on Assignment Japan and Its impacts,”
Ref.8. Ministry of Environment, Annual Report on Environment in Japan, 2022
Ref 9.Fukushima Revitalization Station, Fukushima Prefecture Government,HP.
Case 13 “What is Your Discount Rates?” in 01 “Risk, Uncertainty and Decision-Cases and Lecture Notes” and evaluate the significance of the answers in the debate on climate change relying on Note8. Climate Change and Social Discount Rates
08. Case, “COVID19 Summer 2021, the 5th Wave and Aftermath”
09. Case “ Russia and Ukraine War in 2022”
成績評価方法 Evaluation Criteria
2) Class participation is evaluated based on your remark, speech, and presentation. To give a whole analysis or remarks to support class discussion is highly evaluated. Remarks without no real thesis is not discourages but not much appreciated.
3) When you miss an opportunity to express your opinion, still you have a chance to express it in your preparation report or final report which I grade.
4) Short pop tests (20 minutes)
5) Final report, complete homework, short essay, your makeup remarks you did not have a chance to speak in class. (if you prepare well class in advance, this is not a burden. You can just sum up your class preparation report and your discussion in class)
In brief, class participation 70% (Cold Call 5%+Class Contribution 55%+Quizzes/Tests10%) and Report 30% (Preparation report 10% + Final Report 20%). The number is rough and will be adjusted slightly according to the progress of class.
講師用内規準拠 Method of Assessment | Weights |
コールドコール Cold Call | 5 % |
授業内での挙手発言 Class Contribution | 60 % |
クラス貢献度合計 Class Contribution Total | 65 % |
予習レポート Preparation Report | 5 % |
小テスト Quizzes / Tests | 10 % |
シミュレーション成績 Simulation | 0 % |
ケース試験 Case Exam | 0 % |
最終レポート Final Report | 20 % |
期末試験 Final Exam | 0 % |
参加者による相互評価 Peer Assessment | 0 % |
合計 Total | 100 % |
評価の留意事項 Notes on Evaluation Criteria
1) Submission of homework before the class is required. You do not have to answer all homework.2) Class participation is evaluated based on your remark, speech, and presentation. To give a whole analysis or remarks to support class discussion is highly evaluated. Remarks without no real thesis is not discourages but not much appreciated.
3) When you miss an opportunity to express your opinion, still you have a chance to express it in your preparation report or final report which I grade.
4) Short pop tests (20 minutes)
5) Final report, complete homework, short essay, your makeup remarks you did not have a chance to speak in class. (if you prepare well class in advance, this is not a burden. You can just sum up your class preparation report and your discussion in class)
In brief, class participation 70% (Cold Call 5%+Class Contribution 55%+Quizzes/Tests10%) and Report 30% (Preparation report 10% + Final Report 20%). The number is rough and will be adjusted slightly according to the progress of class.
教科書 Textbook
- Robert Pindyck and Daniel Rubinfeld「Microeconomics 9-th Edition(Global Edition)(Optional:If you have taken microeconomics course prevously, you do not have to purchase this, or various discounted prices are available including used book and e-book. )」Pearson Education Limited(2017)ISBN: 9781292213316
参考文献・資料 Additional Readings and Resource
<References(1) General>Detailed References will be provided in syllabus
授業調査に対するコメント Comment on Course Evaluation
Positive remarks are 1) an instructor encourages students to speak and make presentation for discussion. 2) variety of cases and readings. Certain cases like climate changes and COVID-19 are interesting.
Negative remarks are 1) too much readings assignments and too various topics 2) assignment questions are not clear and no explanation nor guidance by an instructor. 3) prefer more lectures and group works.
Accordingly, I adjusted the choice of materials, less topics and assignments.
1) fewer, newer, shorter cases and readings.
2) less topics and more focus on some selected topics.
3) more lecture, still it is regulated to be under 20 percent class time.
4) clearer assignments and direction, establishing additional office hour for clarification.
Although students‘ views are important, an instructor prefer the remarks and opinions overtly expressed in class or final report compared with anonymous comments.
I believe that it is the student role that plays an instrument in an orchestra, and a teacher is a conductor of orchestra or a composer of music. This means that a teacher cannot play a music by himself.
Students should learn and train themselves to prepare for the future. The effects of education should last even after the class. What is important for business education is to build learning capability of students.
That is what I believe.
Negative remarks are 1) too much readings assignments and too various topics 2) assignment questions are not clear and no explanation nor guidance by an instructor. 3) prefer more lectures and group works.
Accordingly, I adjusted the choice of materials, less topics and assignments.
1) fewer, newer, shorter cases and readings.
2) less topics and more focus on some selected topics.
3) more lecture, still it is regulated to be under 20 percent class time.
4) clearer assignments and direction, establishing additional office hour for clarification.
Although students‘ views are important, an instructor prefer the remarks and opinions overtly expressed in class or final report compared with anonymous comments.
I believe that it is the student role that plays an instrument in an orchestra, and a teacher is a conductor of orchestra or a composer of music. This means that a teacher cannot play a music by himself.
Students should learn and train themselves to prepare for the future. The effects of education should last even after the class. What is important for business education is to build learning capability of students.
That is what I believe.
担当教員のプロフィール About the Instructor
姉川知史(Anegawa Tomofumi)
1977年東京大学経済学部卒業,1983年同経済学研究科単位取得退学(経営学),1991年 Yale University, Ph.D.(Economics),1983年慶應義塾大学大学院経営管理研究科助手,1991年 同助教授,1998-2020年 同教授。
姉川知史「医薬品の価格規制と需要の再検討―循環器官用薬の実証研究」『医療と社会』2002. 11(3). 1-18.
姉川知史「医薬品企業のM&Aの費用と効果 ―日本における企業買収の可能性―」『医療と社会』2000. 10(1). 31-56.姉川知史「日本の医薬品産業:その成功と失敗」『医療と社会』2002. 12(2). 49-78.
Jakovljevic, M. B., Getzen, T. E., Torbica, A., & Anegawa, T. (2014). 10th World IHEA and ECHE joint congress: Health Economics in the Age of Longevity. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, 2014 Dec;14(6):781-3. doi: 10.1586/14737167.2014.967220. Epub 2014 Oct 10.
姉川知史「日本の薬価基準制度-過去25年の制度と評価」55-76. 鴇田忠彦,近藤健文編『ヘルスリサーチの新展開』2003東洋経済新報社,東京
姉川知史「グランド・デザイン策定の融合型教育―新しいマネジメント教育の方法論と評価―」研究ノート『慶應経営論集』2012, 29 (1).
姉川知史「東日本大震災に関する提言のありかたについて―グランド・デザイン策定の融合型教育フォーラムによる方法論評価―」,「研究ノート」,『慶應経営論集』2014,30 (1).
1977年東京大学経済学部卒業,1983年同経済学研究科単位取得退学(経営学),1991年 Yale University, Ph.D.(Economics),1983年慶應義塾大学大学院経営管理研究科助手,1991年 同助教授,1998-2020年 同教授。
姉川知史「医薬品の価格規制と需要の再検討―循環器官用薬の実証研究」『医療と社会』2002. 11(3). 1-18.
姉川知史「医薬品企業のM&Aの費用と効果 ―日本における企業買収の可能性―」『医療と社会』2000. 10(1). 31-56.姉川知史「日本の医薬品産業:その成功と失敗」『医療と社会』2002. 12(2). 49-78.
Jakovljevic, M. B., Getzen, T. E., Torbica, A., & Anegawa, T. (2014). 10th World IHEA and ECHE joint congress: Health Economics in the Age of Longevity. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, 2014 Dec;14(6):781-3. doi: 10.1586/14737167.2014.967220. Epub 2014 Oct 10.
姉川知史「日本の薬価基準制度-過去25年の制度と評価」55-76. 鴇田忠彦,近藤健文編『ヘルスリサーチの新展開』2003東洋経済新報社,東京
姉川知史「グランド・デザイン策定の融合型教育―新しいマネジメント教育の方法論と評価―」研究ノート『慶應経営論集』2012, 29 (1).
姉川知史「東日本大震災に関する提言のありかたについて―グランド・デザイン策定の融合型教育フォーラムによる方法論評価―」,「研究ノート」,『慶應経営論集』2014,30 (1).
Anegawa Tomofumi, NUCB Professor, Keio University Instructor, Graduate School of Business Administration,
BA University of Tokyo, Faculty of Economics Economics, 1977, University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Economics, Withdrawal Having Completed Coursework,1983. Yale University, Ph.D. in Economics, 1991. Assistant Professor, 1983, Associate Professor 1991, 1998-2020 Professor of Keio University.
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