シラバス Syllabus

授業名 Innovation Management
Course Title Innovation Management
担当教員 Instructor Name Stettner Uriel
コード Couse Code GLP251_G21N
授業形態 Class Type 講義 Regular course
授業形式 Class Format Live Virtual
単位 Credits 2
言語 Language EN
科目区分 Course Category 応用科目200系 / Applied
学位 Degree MSc in Management
開講情報 Terms / Location 2021 GSM Nagoya Fall

授業の概要 Course Overview

Misson Statementとの関係性 / Connection to our Mission Statement

The course offers a case-based learning context that centers around central and applicable innovation management concepts.

授業の目的(意義) / Importance of this course

How can firms bring new business models, products or services to the market? What are the conditions that determine the propensity of success for any particular approach? When should firms choose one innovation methodology over another in attempt to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage? Innovation is the engine that drives the creation of new value propositions and the capturing of markets. Increasing competitive pressures and environmental challenges motivate firms to engage in strategic innovation–the reconceptualization of business models, the reshaping of existing markets and the changing of the nature of competition. Innovation is a central element of competitive dynamics requiring firms to create new business models, utilize new value chain architectures, and engage or conceive new markets in attempt to create value for stakeholders. Strategic innovation management concentrates on the entire business model, its ecosystem, and value network moving beyond a focus on technology improvement or new product development. In this interdisciplinary course, we will adopt different perspectives on innovation and uncover the intricacies of alternative conceptualizations and models. We will rely on strategic management concepts as we consider alternatives routes to facing uncertainties that characterize contemporary business contexts.

到達目標 / Achievement Goal

Participants will be able to analyze and navigate innovation-related business challenges.

本授業の該当ラーニングゴール Learning Goals


LG1 Critical Thinking
LG2 Diversity Awareness
LG4 Effective Communication
LG5 Executive Leadership (EMBA)
LG6 Innovative Leadership (MBA)

受講後得られる具体的スキルや知識 Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

 Analyze business situations involving innovation in products, processes, and business models. This course focuses on recognizing contexts for innovation to gain a sustainable competitive advantage and achieve superior firm performance.

 Distinguish between different types of innovation across a broad spectrum of business models, technologies, and products.

 Apply different perspectives and frameworks designed to more effectively formulate innovation strategies.

SDGsとの関連性 Relevance to Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 9 産業と技術革新の基盤をつくろう(Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure)

教育手法 Teaching Method

教育手法 Teaching Method % of Course Time
インプット型 Traditional 0 %
参加者中心型 Participant-Centered Learning ケースメソッド Case Method 40 %
フィールドメソッド Field Method 60 %
合計 Total 100 %

事前学修と事後学修の内容、レポート、課題に対するフィードバック方法 Pre- and Post-Course Learning, Report, Feedback methods

This course will rely on the case method, in-class discussions, and interactive teaching methods put in place when introducing a concept or framework. Throughout the course, we will analyze business cases, discuss the business context, seek to develop insights, and make recommendations. In so doing, we will build on readings from book chapters and articles, which provide the theoretical and conceptual basis for, class discussions. I expect you to study the readings and apply your insights from the readings to your class contribution.

Prerequisites: This course presumes that you have had fundamental courses in strategic management and organization theory.

授業スケジュール Course Schedule


The shapes and forms of innovation
 Introduction (10 min)
 Interactive topic discussions (95 min)
 Break (45 min)
 Case 1: RoboTech: Storming into the U.S. Market Christopher (75 min)
 Break (15 min)
 Interactive topic discussions (90 min)
 Break (15 min)
 Case 2: Dudley, Dentists and Design: A 3D Disruption Dilemma (75 min)

1. RoboTech: Storming into the U.S. Market Christopher A. Bartlett, Rachel Gordon, John Lafkas, 918501-PDF-ENG
2. Dudley, Dentists, and Design: A 3D Disruption Dilemma, W15233-PDF-ENG


Facing the known and creating the unknown
 Interactive topic discussions (105 min)
 Break (45 min)
 Case 3: A Maestro without Borders: How André Rieu Created the Classical Music Market for the Masses (75 min)
 Break (15 min)
 Case 4: Exercise for Market Creation in a Highly Competitive Industry (90 min)
 Break (15 min)
 Case 5: OurCrowd: Growing a Crowdfunding Platform in a VC World (75 min)

3. A Maestro without Borders: How André Rieu Created the Classical Music Market for the Masses, W. Chan Kim, Renee Mauborgne, Mi Ji, IN1380-PDF-ENG
4. Exercise for Market Creation in a Highly Competitive Industry, W. Chan Kim, Renee Mauborgne, Oh Young Koo, IN1479-PDF-ENG
5. OurCrowd: Growing a Crowdfunding Platform in a VC World KEL922-PDF-ENG


Value creation, appropriation, and protection
 Interactive topic discussions (105 min)
 Break (45 min)
 Case 6: Merck & Co., Inc. (75 min)
 Break (15 min)
 Case 7: Carrot or Stick? Getting Paid for Innovation at Tessera (75)
 Break (15 min)
 Review, Q&A (90 min)

6. Merck & Co., Inc., Frank T. Rothaermel, MH0035-PDF-ENG
7. Carrot or Stick? Getting Paid for Innovation at Tessera Technologies, Willy Shih,


Staying within your core or span your boundaries
 Interactive topic discussions (105 min)
 Break (45 min)
 Case 8: KTM--Ready to Race (75 min)
 Review, Q&A (15 min)
 Course Wrap up (5 min)
 Break (25 min)
 Final comprehensive, closed-book Exam (consisting of multiple choice and open-ended, written questions). 15:00-17:30

8. KTM-Ready to Race, Charlene Zietsma; Richard Wong; Rob Wong, 905M36-PDF-ENG
9. [Bring a CLEAN copy of the following case to the exam] Innovating Singapore's Chicken Rice, Pascale Crama, Chon Phung Lim, Cintia Kulzer Sacilotto, Jovina Ang, SMU931-PDF-ENG




成績評価方法 Evaluation Criteria

講師用内規準拠 Method of Assessment Weights
コールドコール Cold Call 0 %
授業内での挙手発言 Class Contribution 30 %
クラス貢献度合計 Class Contribution Total 30 %
予習レポート Preparation Report 0 %
小テスト Quizzes / Tests 0 %
シミュレーション成績 Simulation 0 %
ケース試験 Case Exam 0 %
最終レポート Final Report 0 %
期末試験 Final Exam 70 %
参加者による相互評価 Peer Assessment 0 %
合計 Total 100 %

評価の留意事項 Notes on Evaluation Criteria

Final exam

The final comprehensive, in-class exam consists of written and multiple-choice questions. The exam will cover all materials, subjects, and cases discussed during the course. Some of the questions will refer to the last case in this course, which you will independently analyze. The exam questions will be distributed at the beginning of the exam. Answers should demonstrate correct use of theoretical concepts and relevant analytic frameworks as well as provide convincing arguments supported by data. Your answers should be based on your own analysis and reflect your original, individual, and independent thinking.

Please use a clean copy of Case 9: Innovating Singapore's Chicken Rice, Pascale Crama, Chon Phung Lim, Cintia Kulzer Sacilotto, Jovina Ang, SMU931-PDF-ENG

Exam Duration: (150 min) Exam questions will be distributed at the beginning of the exam

Class Participation: Effective Participant-Centered Learning and interactive topic discussions depend on effective, constructive, and informative intellectual contributions. Thus, the class participation grade will depend on the quality of your contribution.

使用ケース一覧 List of Cases


教科書 Textbook

  • 配布資料

参考文献・資料 Additional Readings and Resource


Book Chapters and Articles
1. How Strategy Shapes Structure, W. Chan Kim; Renee Mauborgne 2009 R0909H-PDF-ENG
2. Impact of a Stronger IP on the Business Model, Henry Chesbrough 2006, HBS Press 2214BC-PDF-ENG
3. Innovating Across the Business Model, Peter Skarzynski, Rowan Gibson, HBS Press 2008 5112BC-PDF-ENG
4. Strategies for Two-Sided Markets Thomas R. Eisenmann, Geoffrey Parker, Marshall W. Van Alstyne 2006
5. Types of Innovation: Several Types on Many Fronts, HBS Press; 2003 7195BC-PDF-ENG

Books, Book Chapters, and Articles
1. Robert Burgelman, Clayton Christenson, and Steven Wheelwright. Strategic Management of Technological Innovation, 4th Edition, 2008,
2. Melissa Schilling, Strategic Management of Technological Innovation, 5th Ed, Mc Graw Hill, 2016
3. James Utterback, Mastering the Dynamics of Innovation, Harvard Business School Press, 1996, ISBN-13: 978-0875847405
4. Vijay Govindarajan, Chris Trimble, and Indra Nooyi, Reverse Innovation, HBR Press, 2012
5. Robert Grant, Contemporary Strategy Analysis: Text and Cases Edition 9th Edition, 2016
6. Richard Daft, Organization Theory and Design 12 Edition 2015

授業調査に対するコメント Comment on Course Evaluation

2020 course evaluation: [4.47/5.0]

Conducting an online Innovation Management course can be at times more demanding and time-consuming compared to an on-campus teaching experience. I will do my best to ensure that all participants will be active participants.

担当教員のプロフィール About the Instructor 

Professor Uriel Stettner is an Associate Professor of Strategy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship. His research interests in strategic management include the performance implications of organizational knowledge creation and appropriation within the broader context of strategic and technological innovation. He is an Associate Editor at the European Management Journal and a member of the Editorial review Board of the Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal (SEJ). He also frequently reviews for Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Journal of Management Studies, California Management Review, Journal of Business Venturing, Organization Studies, and Research Policy.

Refereed Articles

  • (2019) Making a difference: Thoughts on management scholarship from the editorial team. European Management Journal 37(3):
  • (2019) What drives exploration? Convergence and divergence of exploration tendencies among alliance partners and competitors. Academy of Management Journal
  • (2017) Following the Code: Spillovers and Knowledge Transfer. Review of Network Economics 16(3):
  • (2017) Is oprah contagious? the depth of diffusion of demand shocks in a product network. MIS Quarterly 41(1): 0276-7783
  • (2016) Network dynamics and knowledge transfer in virtual organisations. International Journal of Industrial Organization 48 0167-7187
