シラバス Syllabus

授業名 Leadership Development
Course Title Leadership Development
担当教員 Instructor Name Edica Lin
コード Couse Code GLP106_G18N
授業形態 Class Type
授業形式 Class Format
単位 Credits
言語 Language EN
科目区分 Course Category
学位 Degree
開講情報 Terms / Location 2018 GSM Nagoya Spring

授業の概要 Course Overview

Misson Statementとの関係性 / Connection to our Mission Statement

授業の目的(意義) / Importance of this course

This course is designed to enable you to prepare yourself to become a leader of organizations and to create a dynamic personal leadership development plan. Leadership development requires personal curiosity and reflection from you as well as personal openness and sharing in class discussions, group discussions, and one on one sessions with the professor. Leadership development concepts used in this course will be immediately applicable for you and useful for the rest of your lives.

· To enable you to cultivate self-awareness through the full participation of open, intimate small-group and class discussions and the reflective exercises you have to complete on your own
· To define your values by gaining clarity about your leadership principles and ethical boundaries, and how you will respond under pressure when challenged
· To find your “sweet spots” by understanding what is motivating you, both extrinsically and intrinsically, and to find leadership paths that will enable you to utilize your motivated capabilities
· To explore how to build support teams and lead an integrated life
· To understand the purpose of your leadership and empower other leaders, while you are optimizing your leadership effectiveness
· To become a global leader
· To create Personal Leadership Development Plans to guide you throughout your lives

到達目標 / Achievement Goal

本授業の該当ラーニングゴール Learning Goals


LG1 Critical Thinking
LG2 Diversity Awareness
LG3 Ethical Decision Making
LG4 Effective Communication
LG5 Executive Leadership (EMBA)
LG7 Global Perspective (GLP)

受講後得られる具体的スキルや知識 Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, you will be able to:
· Understand the various leadership concepts,
· Be equipped with ideas, techniques, and tools to assist you in your lifelong leadership development journey, and
· Apply the leadership concepts to your personal leadership development plan

SDGsとの関連性 Relevance to Sustainable Development Goals

教育手法 Teaching Method

教育手法 Teaching Method % of Course Time
インプット型 Traditional 20 %
参加者中心型 Participant-Centered Learning ケースメソッド Case Method 65 %
フィールドメソッド Field Method 15 %
合計 Total 100 %

事前学修と事後学修の内容、レポート、課題に対するフィードバック方法 Pre- and Post-Course Learning, Report, Feedback methods

This course is designed to enable you to prepare yourself to exercise effective leadership in your career and life. You must be open to sharing personal insights, experiences, ambitions, and fears. Using readings, lectures, cases and experiential activates, the course will offer theoretical foundations, practical application and an opportunity for self-reflection that will allow you to continue the development of your leadership talent. Significant preparation including reading and reflection is required for the class discussion and exercise.

Due to the sensitive and confidential nature of class discussions and exercises, the students are asked to limit the use of technology (laptops, cell phones, etc.) in the classroom.

Create a 30 second -1-minute Selfie Video
Deadline: Monday, May 7th at noon/12:00 p.m. JST
In preparation for the course. I ask that you submit a selfie video which is 30 seconds -1 minute in length. Start with your name and describe why you want to take this course
Submission method: post your video to Google Drive and share with the instructor no later than deadline

Preparatory report
Please see the studying questions for each case in the case list for preparatory report. For each case, select one of the studying questions to answer. Limit the answer to 350 words; please provide a word count at the end of each answer.
Deadline: Preparation reports for all 4 days due on May 10th, noon/12:00pm JST
Submission method:Post PDF file to Google Drive and share with the instructor by deadline

Journal Assignment:
The journal assignments are designed to guide reflection of experiences and help you to develop a personal development plan. Please write reflective journal after each day’s class. Limit the journal to max 2 pages
Deadline: Assignment 1 & 2 due on May 16th noon/12:00pm JST, Assignment 3 & 4 due on May 23rd noon/12:00pm JST.
Submission method:Post PDF file to Google Drive and share with the instructor by deadline

Journal Assignment 1: Your Greatest Crucibles
Within 2 pages, describe three different personal experiences in which you were tested in a crucible – where you experienced the greatest pressure, stress, and /or adversity of your life to date. Describe your feelings at the time. What resources did you call upon to get through this situation? How did you resolve the issues, if you have?

Journal Assignment 2: Your Values
This week in class we discussed personal and professional values and priorities extensively. Narrow down the values and non-negotiable factors you identified to create a value statement of 1-2 sentences. Within 2 pages, write about why these values are important to you.

Journal Assignment 3: Your Support teams
Within 2 pages, write about the community and professional networks of support you will enlist to refine your interpersonal and leadership skills, develop and enhance your self-confidence, and provide you feedback and support. List names of specific people or specific experiences, what that person or experience will provide for you, and a date by which you will talk to this person to enlist their help with your leadership skills. What will you propose to the person who plays prominently in your plan or how will you arrange the desired experience?

Journal Assignment 4: Your Purpose
Within 2 pages, write a letter to yourself describing the long-term purpose that will guide and inform your leadership. For the near term, what is your purpose in leading? In what ways does the purpose of your leadership relate to the rest of your life? Is it integral to it or separate from it?

Format of the hardcopy of the report: Both Preparatory Reports and Journal Assignments should be printed on A4, two-sided paper with no cover page, and with your name and page # on each page. 12-point Arial or Calibri font, 1” margins, single-spaced

Final report
Assignment: Your Personal Leadership Development Plan (within 1,800 words, please provide word counts at the end of the report)
You have already developed most elements of your personal leadership development plan through the journal assignments and the exercises in the class, now it’s time to put it all together. As the culmination of the course, complete your Personal Leadership Development Plan in its entirety. In doing so, you should integrate all the previous exercises and journals you have completed in the course. Be sure to begin this process well in advance so you will have adequate time to think it through can make changes as appropriate. Be as thorough and complete as possible in developing your plan, even if this requires some speculation on your part about what lies ahead. Discuss the areas of your development as an authentic leader that you plan to focus on in the years ahead, and the steps you plan to take to become a more effective and authentic leader.
Deadline: Jun 4th noon/12:00pm JST
Format: no cover page; with your name and page # on each page. 12-point Arial or Calibri font, 1” margins, single-spaced
Submission method:Post PDF file to Google Drive and share with the instructor by deadline

Assignments must be submitted in a timely manner. All late assignments will be penalized. Students should notify the instructors with any questions or difficulties as soon as possible. Late notification will not serve as justification for incomplete or late submissions of assignments.

授業スケジュール Course Schedule

Course Dates
May 12,13,19,20

Students are required to read this book in its entirety, preferably before the course begins, as we will be referring to its concepts throughout the course.

· George, B, Discover Your True North, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2015/8/10

[Day 1]
Your Journey to Leadership
· Life Story
· Losing Your Way
· Crucibles

Case and Case Questions:
Wendy Kopp: Teach for America (Non-Profit) (A) 9-406-125
Wendy Kopp: Teach for America (Non-Profit) (B) 9-407-031
· What do you admire about Wendy Kopp?
· How authentic do you find her as a leader?
· In what ways does Wendy Kopp’s life story define her leadership?

Richard Grasso: NYSE (Public Service) (A) (9-405-051)
· What were their “competing narratives”?
· What were their “greatest fears”?
· How did they “lose their way”?

Life Stories of Recent MBAs: coping with crucibles (410028)
· How have the life stories of these six recent MBA graduates impacted their leadership to date?
· What can you learn from the experiences of these recent MBA graduates that will help you in your development?
· Sharing your life stories and discuss how your life story has influenced your leadership today. (This question is not to be answered in preparatory report, but be prepared to discuss with your group during the class)

Required Reading:
Discover Your True North Chapter 1-3

Journal Assignment (JA)
JA1: Your greatest crucible

[Day 2]
Developing as an Authentic Leader
· Self-Awareness
· Values
· Sweet Spot

Case and Case Questions:
Lisa Sherman (A) (N9-408-115)
· What is keeping Lisa Sherman from revealing her identity to her colleagues at Verizon?
· Should Sherman leave Verizon, or stay and try to work within the system? Should she talk to Verizon CEO Ray Smith about what she has experienced?
· How should he handle the request for support from the GLBT employees at Verizon?

Martha McCaskey (403-114)
· As Martha McCaskey, what is your plan of action for finishing the Silicon 6 project? Please map out your detailed plan of action. 

· What is troubling Martha McCaskey? Do you agree with her assessment of the situation? 

· Was this situation avoidable? How did McCaskey end up in this situation? 

David Neeleman: Flight Path of a Servant Leader (A) (N9-409-024)
· What is motivating David Neeleman? What are the unique capabilities that have made him so successful?
· What is his “sweet spot”?
· What is your assessment of what happened inside JetBlue in the wake of the Valentine’s Day disaster?

Required Reading:
Discover Your True North Chapter 4-6

Journal Assignment (JA)
JA2: Values

[Day 3]
· Support Team
· Integrated Life

Case and Case Questions:
The Mentorship of John Cooper (A) (W12701-PDF-ENG)
· As John Cooper, make a decision between the two alternatives presented in the case and defend your position.
· How would you communicate your decision to Alan Kirkpatrick? How do you think he will react? Be careful to consider a broad range of possibilities.
· Is there anything that you would do or say, going forward, to change the dynamics of the mentoring relationship between John Cooper and Alan Kirkpatrick?

Sophia Tannis: Life Choices (W15479-PDF-ENG)
· What are the key considerations (both positive and challenges) associated with Sophia’s choice to accept the move to Louisiana?
· What is driving Sophia to accept the role? What are your thoughts on her drivers?
· What could be the consequences in the short- and long-term of the company’s perspective about Sophia and her ability to follow the opportunities? Is this situation good or bad?

Alex Montana at ESH Manufacturing Co. (405106-PDF-ENG)
· Are the challenges facing Alex Montana typical or atypical? Are these just the musing and challenges of a normally successful, achievement driven individual?
· What are the crucial choice points in the case? What is it about Montana’s decision-making processes that enhance or detract from him making a decision?

Required Reading:
Discover Your True North Chapter 7-8

Journal Assignment (JA)
JA3: Building support team

[Day 4]
Your True North Meets the world
· Your purpose
· Empowering Other Leaders
· Global Leadership

Case and Case Questions:
Avi Kremer (411022-PDF-ENG)
· Which option should Avi Kremer pursue and why?
· What explains why Kremer has responded to his illness as he has?
· What lessons can we take from Kremer’s experience?

Kent Thiry and DaVita: Leadership challenges in building and growing a great company (OB54-PDF-ENG)
· How effective is the culture Thiry has created at DaVita in empowering people to lead?
· How well does Thiry use his personal leadership to empower others?
· Should DaVita fully integrate Gambro into its unique culture, or should it permit Gambro to continue with its culture?
· Is the DaVita culture sustainable as the company grows?

Leading Across Cultures at Michelin (A) (INS049-PDF-ENG)
· What mistakes did Chalon make as he took over this large North American division?
- What differences in American value systems and French value systems might be at the root of the difficulties Chalon is facing as he implements a new strategy?

Required Reading:
Discover Your True North Chapter 10-12

Journal Assignment (JA)
JA4: Your purpose








成績評価方法 Evaluation Criteria

講師用内規準拠 Method of Assessment Weights
コールドコール Cold Call 0 %
授業内での挙手発言 Class Contribution 40 %
クラス貢献度合計 Class Contribution Total 40 %
予習レポート Preparation Report 35 %
小テスト Quizzes / Tests 0 %
シミュレーション成績 Simulation 0 %
ケース試験 Case Exam 0 %
最終レポート Final Report 25 %
期末試験 Final Exam 0 %
参加者による相互評価 Peer Assessment 0 %
合計 Total 100 %

評価の留意事項 Notes on Evaluation Criteria

All students are expected to have read and thought about all the materials assigned for a given day prior to the class. Class participation grades are based on the quality, not the quantity of the contribution; therefore students who participate often will not necessarily receive a better grade than those who participate less often. One must recognize, however, that there is an art to quality participation that is only learned by trial and error. Therefore, students are encouraged to begin contributing to the discussions early in the course. The best grades will be given to students who make the best contributions to the discussions.
The best contributions involve
- integrating theoretical concepts with examples from cases, exercises, or real-world experience
- showing curiosity and a willingness to push ideas forward
- taking into account the ideas offered by others and build on them,
- pulling together material from several places in the case
- drawing parallels from previous discussion, or
- by consistently demonstrating you have thoroughly read the assigned materials and given it careful thought.

The best contribution is to enrich all our learning.

For those who would like to further enhance the skills at case studies, the following reading is recommended
William Ellet, The Case Study Handbook: How to read, discuss, and write persuasively about cases; Harvard Business School Press, 2007

使用ケース一覧 List of Cases

  • 「Wendy Kopp: Teach for America (Non-Profit) (A) 9-406-125 and Wendy Kopp: Teach for America (Non-Profit) (B) 9-407-031」
  • 「Richard Grasso: NYSE (Public Service) (A) (9-405-051)」
  • 「Life Stories of Recent MBAs: coping with crucibles (410028)」
  • 「Lisa Sherman (A) (N9-408-115)」
  • 「Martha McCaskey (403-114)」
  • 「David Neeleman: Flight Path of a Servant Leader (A) (N9-409-024)」
  • 「The Mentorship of John Cooper (A) (W12701-PDF-ENG)」
  • 「Sophia Tannis: Life Choices (W15479-PDF-ENG)」
  • 「Alex Montana at ESH Manufacturing Co. (405106-PDF-ENG)」
  • 「Avi Kremer (411022-PDF-ENG)」
  • 「Kent Thiry and DaVita: Leadership challenges in building and growing a great company (OB54-PDF-ENG)」
  • 「Leading Across Cultures at Michelin (A) (INS049-PDF-ENG)」

教科書 Textbook

  • George, B「Discover Your True North」San Francisco: Jossey-Bass(2015)

参考文献・資料 Additional Readings and Resource

Additional Resource Readings
· Craig, N., George, B., Snook, S.: The Discover Your True North Fieldbook: A Personal Guide to Finding Your Authentic Leadership, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2015/8/10
· Drucker, P. F. (2005). Managing Oneself. Harvard Business Review, 83(1), 100-109.

Day 1
· Gardner, WL, Avolio, B, Luthans, F, May, D., Walumba F. “Can you see the real me?: A Self-based Model of Authentic leader and Follower Development”. The Leadership Quarterly (2005), 16: 343-72
· Kramer, RM. “Harder They Fall?” Harvard Business Review, Oct 2003
· Bennis, W., Thomas, R. “Crucibles of Leadership,” Harvard Business Review, Sep 2002
· Moments of Truth: Global Executives Talk About the Challenges that Shaped Them as Leaders,” Harvard Business Review, Jan 2007

Day 2
· Goleman, D. “What Makes a Leader?” Harvard Business Review, Jan 2004
· Emotional Intelligence by Dan Goleman
· McClelland, DC, Burnham, DH. “Power is the Great Motivator” Harvard Business Review v81 n1 (Jan 2003) 117-126

Day 3
· Kram, KE, Higgins, MC, “A New Approach to Mentoring: These days, you need more than a single person. You need a Network” Wall Street Journal, Sep 22, 2008
· Nash, L., Stevenson, H., “Success that Lasts” Harvard Business Review, Feb 2004
· Hammonds, K. H., Aneiro, M., Clayton, M., Korn, M., & Yankus, M. (2004). balance is bunk!. Fast Company, (87), 68-76.

Day 4
· CRAIG, N., & SNOOK, S. (2014). FROM PURPOSE TO IMPACT. Harvard Business Review, 92(5), 104-111
· Atlantic Article: There’s more to life than being happy
· Srivastava, A., Bartol, K. M., & Locke, E. A. (2006). EMPOWERING LEADERSHIP IN MANAGEMENT TEAMS: EFFECTS ON KNOWLEDGE SHARING, EFFICACY, AND PERFORMANCE. Academy Of Management Journal, 49(6), 1239-1251
· Thomas, DC, Inkson, K “Cultural Intelligence: Surviving and Thriving in the Global Village”, Third Edition, Berrett-Koehler Publishers; (March 20, 2017)

授業調査に対するコメント Comment on Course Evaluation

This is the first year of teaching this course at the NUCB Business School.

担当教員のプロフィール About the Instructor 

Edica Lin brings twenty years of extensive HR and business operation experience in global organizations. In her career, Edica focuses on using innovative people and organization solutions to solve business challenges. She has a strong ability to manage change and complexity with a high degree of confidence, flexibility and cultural awareness. As a Taiwanese now based in Boston, Edica has spent her professional life between Japan, China and the U.S.

Edica is currently an Adjunct Professor at the Business School of Nagoya University of Commerce and Business in Nagoya, Japan where she teaches MBA programs. Most recently, she was a Partner and HR Leader for Growth Markets Region for Mercer based in New York where she was responsible for developing Mercer’s global talent strategy to align with the firm's mission, operating imperatives and values in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America.

Prior to her role at Mercer, she was Chief of Staff to the CEO of a fast-growing semiconductor firm, Analog Devices Inc. where she spent more than four years working in Shanghai, Tokyo, and Boston. She was responsible for the operations of CEO office. Before that, Edica spent ten years at IBM in various HR leadership positions in Japan, China and the U.S. Previously, Edica worked for Mercer Japan as a talent consultant and for Japan Airlines as a flight attendant and as the lead collective bargaining representative of the airlines union.

Edica holds a Bachelor of Administration Laws from National Chengchi University in Taiwan and Master of Employment Laws from University of Tokyo in Japan. She is a native speaker of Mandarin and Taiwanese with a high proficiency in Japanese and English. Edica is a sought-after speaker by several HR professional groups including her recent focus on global HR trends and their impact on business and managing multi-culture.

Professional Experience
2016- Present: Adjunction Professor, Nagoya University of Commerce and Business
2014 – 2017: Partner, HR Leader, Growth Markets Region, Mercer
2009 – 2014: Senior Director, Business Operations, Analog Devices Inc.
1999 – 2009: Director, Diversity and Workforce Programs, IBM
1998 – 1999: HR Associate, Mercer Consulting
1991 – 1995: Flight Attendant, Japan Asia Airways
